Grigorij Mesežnikov President

CV abstract
Grigorij Mesežnikov, graduate of the Faculty of Arts of the Moscow State University. During 1983 – 1993 worked at the Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia, during 1993 – 1997 worked at Political Science Cabinet of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Mr. Mesežnikov is a co-founder of the Institute for Public Affairs (IVO), where he has been working since June 1997. He has served as its President since March 1999 while being a Director of the 'Domestic Politics' program. In the period of 1994-1998 he served as a Secretary of the Slovak Association for Political Sciences. He has lectured at Trnava University’s Department of Political Science. His frequent essays on Slovak politics and political parties have appeared in scholarly journals and magazines in Slovakia, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, Ukraine, Germany, Denmark, USA and Great Britain. Regularly he analyzes Slovak political developments for domestic and international media. Since 1993 he has been an external collaborator of Radio Liberty/Radio Free Europe. He is a co-editor and co-author of various publications, including the Global Report on Slovakia.
- political developments in the Slovak Republic
- political transformation
- parliamentary democracy
- political party system
- political elites
- election system
Work History
- president, Institute for Public Affairs, Bratislava, from 1999
- program director, Institute for Public Affairs, from 1997
- analyst, Political Science Institute at Slovak Academy of Sciences, 1993 – 1997
- expert associate, Comenius University, Bratislava, 1983 – 1993
- Moscow State University (MGU), Faculty of Arts, philosophy & social sciences, 1981
- Ph Dr., Faculty of Arts, Comenius University, Bratislava, 1983
Fellowships and Educational Programs
- Foreign Study: Ethnicity and Pluralism in American Politics (USIA and USDA Graduate School), USA, 1994.
- Foreign Study: Studies in Democracy for Central Europeans (Swedish International Development Authority), Sweden, Stockholm, 1992.
Media Collaboration
Domestic periodicals: Sme, Národná obroda, Hospodárske noviny, Pravda, Nový čas, Új Szó, Košický Korzár, Nový deň, Slovak Spectator, Formát, Plus 7 dní, Obecné noviny, Rodina, Moment, Slovo, Szabad Újság, Domino Fórum, Mosty, Verejná správa, Život, Profit, Delet, AmCham Connection, Dilema, Listy SFPA.
Foreign periodicals: Aftonbladet, Svenska Dagbladet, Helsingin Sanomat, Asahi Shimbun, Mainichi Shimbun, Mladá fronta Dnes, Salzburger Nachrichten, Dagens Nyheter, Právo, Financial Times, Guardian, Time, Le Monde, Le Monde Diplomatique, Die Welt, Liberation, La Repubblica, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Fluter, Süddeutsche Zeitung, NRC Handelsblad, Südthüringer Zeitung, Hospodářske noviny, L‘Express, Gazeta Wyborcza, La Libre Belgique, Realitatea Romanesca, Standart News, Washington Times, Washington Post, Kurier, Die Presse, de Volksraant, Corriere della Sera, Aamulehti, Źyćie, Wprost, Handelsblatt, Berlinen Zeitung, New York Times, NGO News, Le Nuvelle Observateur, JoonAng Ilbo, Christian Science Monitor, Týden, El Pais, Respekt, Tageszeitung, Nepszabadság, Magyar Nemzet, L‘ Humanité, Irish Times, Algemeen Dagblad, European Voice, Newsweek Polska, Los Angeles Times, Bostone Globe, HVG, Régio, Prague Post, Reflex, Central Europe Review, Listy
Television broadcasting: STV, TA3, TV Markíza, TV Joj, TV Duna, Magyar TV, NOS TV, TV Nova, ČT, TV Ukrajina, ARD, WDR, MDR, RTE (Írsko), Euronews, Finnish TV, Bulgarian TV.
Radio broadcasting: Slobodná Európa (redakcie: slovenská, lotyšská, litovská, estónska, albánska), Rádio Okey, Rádio Slovakia International, Rádio Regina, Rádio Twist, Radio Devín, Rádio Expres, BBC (redakcie: slovenská, česká, ruská), Český rozhlas1 - Radiožurnál, Český rozhlas6 - Slobodná Európa, Deutsche Welle, Radio Netherlands, Swedish Radio, Danish Radio, Voice of America, Radio DRS (Švajčiarsko), Polskie Radio, ORF.
Press & Information Agencies: SITA, TASR, Associated Press, Reuters, AFP, ČTK, DPA, Bloomberg, Finnish News Agency, Netherland Press Agency, World News Link.
Selected Book Publications
- Slovensko (1995 – 2003). Súhrnná správa o stave spoločnosti [Slovakia (1995-2003) A Global Report on the State of Society] Bratislava: Institute for Public Affairs, 1996 – 2003 (in the Slovak and English editions, co-editor and author).
- Slovenské voľby 02: výsledky, dôsledky, súvislosti [Slovak Elections. Results, Consequences, Context]. Bratislava: Institute for Public Affairs 2003 (co-editor and author).
- Voľby 2002. Analýza volebných programov politických strán a hnutí [Elections 2002. Analysis of Election Programs of Political Parties and Movements]. Bratislava: Institute for Public Affairs, 2002 (editor and author).
- Reforma verejnej správy na Slovensku 1998 - 2002: súvislosti, aktéri, voľby [Reform of Public Administration in Slovakia 1998 - 2002. Context, Actors, Elections]. Bratislava: Institute for Public Affairs, 2002 (co-editor and author).
- Vízia vývoja Slovenskej republiky do roku 2020 [The Vision of the Development of the Slovak Republic until 2020]. Bratislava: Institute for Public Affairs 2003 (editor and author).
- Predsavzatia a skutočnosť. Hodnotenie plnenia programového vyhlásenia vlády Mikuláša Dzurindu [Resolutions and Reality. Evaluation of the Fulifllment of the Program Manifesto of the Government of Mikuláš Dzurinda]. Bratislava: Institute for Public Affairs 2002 (co-editor and author).
- Slovenské voľby ‘98. Kto? Prečo? Ako? (english edition: The 1998 Parliamentary Elections and Democratic Rebirth in Slovakia). Bratislava: Institute for Public Affairs 1999 (co-editor a author).
- Voľby 1998. Analýza volebných programov politických strán a hnutí [Elections 1998. Analysis of Election Programs of Political Parties and Movements]. Bratislava: Institute for Public Affairs, 1998 (editor and author).
- Slovenské referendum 97: zrod, priebeh, dôsledky [Slovak Referendum '97: Origin, Development, Consequences]. Bratislava: Institute for Public Affairs 1997 (co-editor and author).
Selected Studies
- Vnútropolitické aspekty kosovskej krízy na Slovensku [Aspects of Kosovo Crisis in Slovak Domestic Politics] in: Lukáč, P. (ed.): Kosovo 1999 a slovenská spoločnosť [Kosovo 1999 and the Slovak Society]. Research Center of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association, Bratislava 2001.
- How Political Actors View European Integration in Slovakia in: Péter Bajomi-Lázár and István Hegedüs (ed.): Media and Politics. Új Mandátum Könyvkiadó, Budapest 2001.
- A nem konszenzuson alapuló választási reform: Szlovákia esete in: Fórum Társadalomtudományi Szemle, No. 1, 2001.
- Slovakia in: Nations in Transit (1998 – 2003). Civil Society, Democracy, and Markets in East Central Europe and the Newly Independent States. Freedom House, 1998 –2003.
- Die Slowakei in: A. U. Gabanyi – K. Schroeder (eds.): Vom Baltikum zum Schwarzen Meer. Transformation im östlichen Europa. München: Bayerische Landeszentrale für politische Bildungsarbeit, 2002.
- Ideological (Dis-)Continuity as a Factor of the Formation of the Party System in Slovakia in: L. C. Eliason – L. B. Sorensen (eds.): Fascism, Liberalism, and Social Democracy in Central Europe: Past and Present. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 2002.
Other Activities
- member of the Scientific Council at the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Comenius University, Bratislava
- member of the Subcommittee for Political Sciences at the Committee for Accreditation of the Slovak Ministry of Education
- member of the Editorial Board of the 'Journal of International Issues', Bratislava
- member of the Editorial Board of the 'Political Science Revue', Prague
- member of the Board of Trustees of the Open Society Foundation, Bratislava
- member of the Alliance for Transparency and Fighting Corruption - Transparency International Slovakia
- chairman of the Board of the Central European Institute for Economic and Social Reforms (INEKO)
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Factors that influence the country’s bilateral relations with EU member states in Central and Eastern Europe.
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