Evaluácia činnosti Sekretariátu splnomocnenkyne vlády SR pre rómske komunity

Jurásková Martina, Krigelová Elena, Puliš Peter, Rybová Jana, Vašečka Michal

IVO, Bratislava, 8_2003


The study was published in October 2002 and is a product of a group of analysts within the Ethnic Minorities Program at the Institute for Public Affairs. It focuses on the Office of the Plenipotentiary activities since its founding in 1999 and contains comparisons of its functioning in the period when the Office was presided over by Vincent Danihel with the period when Klára Orgovánová was at its helm. The evaluation takes into account the broader political context; focuses on the fulfilling of program manifestos of the government of Prime Minister Dzurinda in the area of “Roma issues”; and reviews related agendas of relevant political parties. Further, it recounts the Office’s development in terms of amendments to its Articles that have been adopted by the government since 1999 and evaluates the extent to which the set priorities were implemented in practice. In order to effectively evaluate these priorities, the outward functioning and effectiveness of the Office is of critical importance. Attention is paid also to its internal administration – namely the building of personnel and material capacities of the Office. One of the main topics of the evaluation of the activities of the Office is its cooperation with other bodies of state administration and ministries in particular. The publication also contains several recommendations that could lead to making the functioning of the Office of the Plenipotentiary more effective in the future.

Product details
 Number of pages   60
 Format   paperback
 ISBN   80-88935-54-7

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