30 years after the Velvet Revolution. Profits and Losses in the Eyes of the Public

Institute for Public Affairs published publication 30 years after the Velvet Revolution. Profits and Losses in the Eyes of the Public (30 rokov po Nežnej revolúcii. Zisky a straty očami verejnosti). The book includes sociological analyzes of the perception of Velvet Revolution in November 1989 and subsequent changes by Slovak citizens.  

How does the Slovak public assess the Velvet Revolution in the context of other historical events after 30 years? What do people remember about her and how do they perceive her key personalities? What are the positives and negatives of the new era compared to the normalization period? Who do they regard as winners and who are victims of the post-November change? What is the profile of people who prefer today's system to the past and the profile of those who would prefer to return before 1989? These are some of the questions to which the most recent and several older opinion polls offer the answer. These are the sources for this publication.

The hectic of these days is so dizzying that it may seem purposeful for someone to go back into the past today, to look at the path we have taken since November 1989. However, the past is present in our minds and actions today. The ability to cope critically makes it better placed to meet future challenges.

Download: 30 rokov po Nežnej revolúcii. Zisky a straty očami verejnosti [in Slovak, pdf]

The publication was introduced at public events in Košice (21 November) and Banská Bystrica (27 November). For more details, read the press release (in Slovak) and selected media outputs.  

Publication was supported by the Embassy of the United States of America in Slovakia.   

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