Partners in Slovakia
Academia Instropolitana Nova
Agentúra FOCUS - Centrum pre sociálnu a marketing. analýzu
AmCham – Americká obchodná komora Bratislava
Amnesty International
Centrum celoživotého vzdelávania UK
Centrum nezávislej žurnalistiky
Centrum pre európsku politiku
CPHR – Centrum pre hospodársky rozvoj Bratislava
České centrum
Delegácia Európskej komisie na Slovensku
ETP - Enviromental Training Projects
Európska asociácia študentov práva
Fórum Inštitút
GfK Slovakia - Agentúra pre prieskum trhu
Changenet – internet server
INEKO Stredoeurópsky inštitút pre ekonomické a soc. reformy
International Organization for Migration, Bratislava
Katedra politológie Univertity Komenského
Konzervatívny inštitút M. R. Štefánika
Ľudia proti rasizmu
M.E.S.A. 10 – Centrum pre ekonomické a sociálne analýzy
Medzinárodný Višegrádsky Fond
MEMO ´98
Ministerstvo kultúry
Nadácia Ekopolis
Nadácia F. A. Hayeka
Nadácia Občan a demokracia
Nadácia otvorenej spoločnosti NOS - OSF
Nadácia S.P.A.C.E.
Nadácia Škola dokorán
PDCS - Centrum prevencie a riešenia konfliktov
Rada mládeže Slovenska
Romano Nevo Ľil
Rómska tlačová agentúra
Slovenská spoločnosť pre zahraničnú politiku
Slovenské združenie pre politické vedy
Slovenský inštitút medzinárodných štúdií
Sociologický ústav SAV
Spravodajca 3S
Stála konferencia občianskeho inštitútu
Svetová banka
Štatistický úrad SR
Študentská spoločnosť pre politické vedy v Prešove
Transparency International Slovensko
UNHCR (Úrad vysokého komisára OSN pre utečencov)
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Úrad splnomocnenkyne vlády SR pre rómske komunity
Úrad vlády SR, Sekcia ľudských práv, menšín a region. rozvoja
Partners Abroad
ASPEN (Active Social Policies European Network)
Center for International and Strategic Studies
DFID - Department for International Development
European Election Studies
European Roma Rights Center (ERRC)
FAFO - Institute for Applied International Studies
Freedom House
Gabal – Analysis&Consulting
German Marshall Fund of the US
Humboldt University
Hungarian Europe Society
Hungarian Academy of Science - Institute for the Study of Ethnic-National Minorities
Institute of Public Affairs, Varsava
International Organization for Migration, Budapest
IRI - International Republicn Institutue
Liberálny inštitút v Prahe
Mezinárodní politologický ústav Masarikovy University Brno
Migration Policy Group
National Democratic Institute
National Endowment for Democracy
Network of Democracy Research Institutes
ODIHR OSCE (Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights)
Open Society Institute Budapest (OSI)
Open Society Institute New York (OSI)
Sociologický ústav AV ČR
University Utrecht
Urban Institute
Embassy of the U.S.A. in Bratislava
Villa Decius
World Bank
Networks, Initiatives, Fora
The Institute for Public Affairs has played an active role in the following initiatives and forums. It is also an ardent member of the following domestic and foreign organizational networks:
1. Slovak European Forum. The Slovak European Forum of Non-governmental Organizations was founded on September 11th, 2001 . It was founded by the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA) in cooperation with partner institutions, such as Dom Európy [The House of Europe] and the Center for European Policy (CEP). The Foundation for the Support of Civic Activities (NPOA) provided financial support.
The primary goal of the project is to create a common platform of Slovak NGOs whose activities and programs focus on various aspects of European integration.
The activities of the Slovak European Forum of non-governmental organizations include the following:
- mapping the activities of Slovak NGOs in the area of European integration and coordination of these activities
- exchange of information about projects and experiences gained throughout the process of their implementation; cooperation in the preparation of other projects
- Updating the database of Slovak NGOs, whose activities focus on European integration. The database serves the organizations of the non-governmental sector, institutions of public administration, as well as foreign organizations interested in European integration.
The forum is open for all NGOs whose activities cover various aspects of European integration.
2. The Network of Democracy Research Institutes is an association of organizations carrying out research in the area of development of democracy, democratization, and related topics. The network includes independent institutions, university study centers, and the research programs of political parties, trade unions and activist movements that focus on human rights. It was founded on February 26th, 1999 with the aim of bridging academic institutions and organizations engaged in activism. The aim was to increase the awareness of the diversity and viability of contemporary studies in democracy.
3. OSI-LGI Public Policy Centers initiative is an initiative of the Open Society Institute in Budapest . The aim of the initiative is to provide support for research and publication activities – namely research and analysis of public policy in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe . It does so by creating and enhancing an international network of independent regional think tanks.
Presently, there is a network of think tanks operating under the title 'OSI Related Policy Centers Network' that has the following aims: Professional support in formulating proposals in the area of public policy, strengthening the institutional capacity of think tanks, strengthening their partnerships, maintaining a support network, helping in fundraising activities, initiation of regional and international associations with similar expertise and project focus, and twinning programs for national foundations and public policy centers.
4. "Towards European Integration – Network for Integration of Central and Eastern European countries into the European Union". The network was founded on November 3-4, 1999 with an aim of integrating countries of Central and Eastern Europe into the European Union. The main aim of the founders was to create a network in the region of Central and Eastern Europe that would include experts on various political and societal aspects of the Central and Eastern Europe entry process into the European Union. It is a network of research institutions and think tanks of CEEC countries that has been built in cooperation with the International Bank for Research and Development and Berthelsmann Foundation.
The aim of the Network is to strengthen the informal cross-border dialogue between governments, non-governmental organizations, parliaments, the media and other organizations comprising the civil society in Central and Eastern Europe on the issues of political, societal and economic reforms initiated within the process of European integration.
Membership in the Network is open to research institutions and non-governmental organizations in Central and Eastern European accession countries. At the time of its founding the Network connected institutions from the following ten countries: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.
5. PASOS – The Policy Association for an Open Society. Established in September 2004, the PASOS Association is an initiative of OSI Related Policy Centers member organizations that aims to increase their collaborative effectiveness at regional information sharing, joint project formulation and implementation and internal capacity building. PASOS promotes and protects open society values, including democracy, rule of law, good governance, respect for and protection of human rights, economic and social development by supporting entities that foster public participation in public benefit matters. It assists decision-making processes of public interests, fosters co-operation among members of the Association and other entities and promotes and supports research and analytical capacity of entities formulating public interest policy. Institute for Public Affairs is the sole Slovak member of the PASOS Association.
6. Network of Visegrad Think Tanks. In December 2000, representatives of 19 think tanks from the countries of the Visegrad 4 founded an open network, which is used for information exchange regarding their ongoing and future activities. The network also stimulates cooperation on research projects dealing with issues of European integration, security, and transformation of post-communist political systems. The first meeting was initiated by the Slovak Foreign Policy Association and Institute for Public Affairs and was held in Bratislava . The meeting was supported by the International Visegrad Fund and the German Marshall Fund of the United States , and co-organized with the Slovak Embassy and Slovak Institute in Warsaw.