“Thirty Years of Slovak Security and Defence Policy” is the title of a new analytical publication released by the Institute for Public Affairs in cooperation with the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA) and the Adapt Institute. The implementation of the research and publication project was made possible thanks to the support of the Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic. Part of the project costs (printing and public presentation of the book), was covered by NATO.
The book deals with the key areas of the development of the country’s security and defence sector in the years 1993-2023. These include the development of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic, migration as a security policy challenge, the process of the Slovakia’s accession to NATO, Slovakia’s military cooperation with the European Union, changes in the Slovak security and defence policy after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the fight against external hybrid threats, activities of the Slovak security community and the state and development of public opinion in issues of security and defence policy.
The authors of the publication include experts from the state, academic and independent research institutions. The editors of the book are Matej Kandrík, Vladimír Tarasovič and Juraj Sýkora.
Publication (the full-text-version in pdf) is available on IVO website.
Thirty Years of Slovak Security and Defence Policy [PDF]