Supported by: Fund for NGOs financed from the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014, administered by the Open Society Foundation (Bratislava).
Project span: August 2013 – January 2015.
IVO project team: Grigorij Mesežnikov, Miroslav Kollár, Martin Bútora, Olga Gyárfášová, Zora Bútorová, Ján Bartos.
Objective: The aim of the project is to provide analytical data on the state and the main trends of development of democracy in Slovakia for wider public and to develop public debate on these issues through the media and discussion with citizens in various regions of the country.
The project is a combination of analytical research and educational activities. It consists of four modules.
- Regular (quarterly) systematic monitoring and evaluation of the quality of democratic processes in five areas of public life (democratic institutions and the rule of law, legislation, human and minority rights, independent and public media, civil society). The module is a continuation of the project IVO Barometer from years 2008 – 2012.
- Regular public opinion polls about the pressing society’s problems, particularly in the area of democratic governance. Results and analytical findings are disseminated in a user-friendly form.
- Continuous audit of operation of the Council for Radio and Television Broadcasting in terms of the impact of its decision-making as the national regulator to free and independent operation of the electronic media in the context of Slovak legislation and media market and of the Council of Slovak Radio and Television in terms of fulfilment of its control functions for protection of public interest and transparent and effective management of public funds as well as the fulfillment of parameters for public service by broadcasting of RTVS defined by the law. The outcomes are biannual analytical reports (Policy briefs) for professional public and public policy actors.
- Regional seminars and panel discussions for representatives of civil society and selected target groups within the general public to foster an open debate about principles of democratic governance.
Project outputs:
Public opinion surveys, Public discussions, Newsletters, Evaluations of the quality of democracy, Blogs, Video commentaries. For outputs in Slovak please visit the Slovak section of the web.
Statement on support:
Project Open Slovakia was supported by the amount of 73575 eur from Fund for NGOs financed from the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014, administered by the Open Society Foundation. Objective of the project Opening Slovakia is support of democratic values, including human rights.
Grants of EEA Financial Mechanism:
Human rights and democracy - Program administrator:
Fund for nonprofit organizations (NGO fund) is Slovakia: