On September 18-19, the Institute for Public Affairs organized training for volunteers – active citizens from regions, which will during next two months monitor local electoral campaign financing in eight cities in Slovakia (seats of all eight self-governing regions in Slovakia: Banská Bystrica, Bratislava, Košice, Nitra, Prešov, Trenčín, Trnava, Žilina).
The training embraced the basic theoretical information about the electoral law in Slovakia and campaign financing as well as the practical tips concerning the observation of the electoral campaign process and search for the irregularities according to the project methodology. The training was led by IVO president Grigorij Mesežnikov. The programme contained also expert lectures and discussions with two prominent analysts: Jaroslav Pilát (lawyer, local government law expert) and Zuzana Wienk (program director of Fair-play Alliance). The voluntaries met some of the IVO staff as well.
The aim of a project Transparency of Local Government Elections in Central and Eastern Europe is to conduct monitoring and evaluation of the financing of electoral activities carried out by political parties and candidates in local elections in three countries (Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia) on the basis of shared methodology. The findings and outcomes of the project will be used in advocacy activities aimed at improving the legislative basis for the electoral process at the local level and increasing the level of transparency.
Download: Training programme (pdf, in Slovak)
We thank all volunteers for their involvement in the project and wishing them successful carrying out of their voluntary work.