Supported by: Embassy of the United States of America, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, British Embassy, Stredoeurópska nadácia (CEF - Central European Foundation)
Project span: January – December 2012
Project team: Miroslav Kollár (project coordinator, author, editor), Grigorij Mesežnikov (expert guarantor, author), Martin Bútora (expert guarantor, author), Jarmila Lajčáková (author)
Objective: Project evaluates on quarterly basis the quality of democracy in Slovakia in five crucial areas: democratic institutions and rule of law; legislation; protection and preservation of human and minority rights; independent media and public service media; civil society. Experts set ratings for each of the areas (except for the foreign policy area) on the basis of which the average IVO Barometer rating is estimated. The scale of IVO Barometer ranges from 1.00 to 5.00 where point 1.00 represents optimal state of democracy in accordance with the European Union and the Council of Europe standards and comparative criteria of institutional stability, political democracy, and human rights and freedoms.
Four volumes of analytical report IVO Barometer 2012.
IVO Barometer 1/2012
IVO Barometer 2/2012
IVO Barometer 3/2012
IVO Barometer 4/2012
Slovakia 2012. Trends in Quality of Democracy.
Media coverage
Summary table [jpg]
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