Focused on Extremism

Supported by: Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic

Project span: May 2017 – December 2017

Project team: Grigorij Mesežnikov, Oľga Gyárfášová, Zora Bútorová, Marián Velšic, Ján Bartoš, Alena Adamková, external experts.

Co-operating institutions: Local non-governmental organizations in Slovakia’s regions.

Objective: The project focuses on analysis of the reasons of radical-nationalist moods and expressions of extremism in public life, creation of barriers against indoctrination of public discourse by anti-democratic, racist, anti-Roma and anti-Semitic ideas. The project outcomes will focus public attention on the basis of extremist expressions, revealing the links of the extremist scene and its ideological background with the patterns of the past, debunking the misleading arguments of disseminators of extremist views, increasing the awareness of the public about the rise of extremism and its factors.

The project addresses the issue of preventing the rise of extremism and extremist activities endangering citizens’ co-existence. Its main objective is to provide the Slovak public with regular analytical and educational outcomes based on qualified insight into the events, facts, trends and other phenomena related to extremism in its various manifestations and forms, their real background and material content.

Another goal of the project is to influence the public debate on extremism by using convincing arguments that unmask the malignant nature of extremism and the dangerous intentions of its personal bearers.

Planned activities and outputs:

  • Representative opinion polls
  • Analyzes, articles and commentaries in print media, on the Internet and on social networks/media (Facebook, YouTube)
  • Research reports for the media
  • Interactive discussions with citizens in individual Slovakia’s regions
  • Book publication
  • Electronic publication
  • Press conference


Zora Bútorová: Rozpustiť ĽSNS? Kto je za a kto proti. Article in Denník N (10.7.2017)

Discussion in Prešov (June 2017).

Discussion in Bardejov (June 2017).

A clear majority of the public supports our membership in the European Union and NATORepresentative opinion poll of the Institute for Public Affairs (May / June 2017).

How to defend democracy from extremism. In the surrounding countries and Slovakia, support for extremist and anti-system forces is increasing. Video commentary by Grigorij Meseznikov (June 2017).

Majority of Slovaks are concerned about the rise and spread of extremism. Representative opinion poll of the Institute for Public Affairs (July/August 2017).

There is a clear dominance of people's pride of the anti-fascist Slovak National Uprising and its positive assessment. Representative opinion poll of the Institute for Public Affairs (July/August 2017).

The public sees extremism as a problem. People perceive expressions related to the work of extremist groups as a real issue. Video commentary by Grigorij Mesežnikov (August 2017).

Zora Bútorová: Extrémizmus? Čo to vlastne je? Article in Denník N (31.8.2017).

Oľga Gyárfášová: Ku ktorým hodnotám má slovenská verejnosť bližšie? Article in Denník N (14.9.2017).

Supported by:

Realizované s finančnou podporou Ministerstva spravodlivosti SR v rámci dotačného programu na presadzovanie, podporu a ochranu ľudských práv a slobôd a na predchádzanie všetkým formám diskriminácie, rasizmu, xenofóbie, antisemitizmu a ostatným prejavom intolerancie. Za obsah tohto dokumentu je výlučne zodpovedný Inštitút pre verejné otázky (prezident IVO – PhDr. Grigorij Mesežnikov).

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