NewsAll | 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006project | 18.12.2007 | IVO
International workshop about Atlanticism in Central Europe
Institute for Public Affairs organized international workshop titled Nurturing Atlanticists in Central Eastern Europe – a Neglected Territory?
project | 22.11.2007 | IVO
Unemployment and discrimination
On November 22, 2007 Institute for Public Affairs presented the findings of the project Identifying barriers to more effective application of anti-discrimination legislation in relation to unemployed persons.
project | 19.11.2007 | IVO
Assistance to Ukraine in integration process: Slovakia’s experience
The Slovak expert team consisting of Oľga Gyárfášová (IVO), Ivo Samson (RC SFPA), and Robert Ondrejcsák (CENAA) traveled in early November at the route Odessa – Simferopol - Kiev. In these three Ukrainian cities seminars, workshops, and round table discussions focused on topic Experiences of Slovakia on the road to Euro-Atlantic integration were held.
news | 17.10.2007 | IVO
Martin Bútora in October 2007 issue of the Journal of Democracy
October 2007 issue of the Journal of Democracy devotes a special coverage to the recent developments in Central Eastern Europe. Martin Bútora authored one of the articles, Nightmares From the Past, Dreams of the Future.
project | 7.9.2007 | IVO
Transatlantic Trends 2007
Transatlantic Trends is an annual public opinion survey examining American and European attitudes toward the transatlantic relationship.
project | 15.7.2007 |
IVO in Ukraine
At the beginning of July, three IVO experts - Mr. Martin Bútora, Ms. Oľga Gyárfášová, and Mr. Grigorij Mesežnikov – visited Ukraine.
news | 25.6.2007 | IVO
IVO President reviewed the activities of the Slovak government
On June 25th 2007 President of the Institute for Public Affairs Grigorij Mesežnikov participated at the conference 365 Day of Social Democratic Government in Slovakia.
project | 20.6.2007 | IVO
International workshop on populism
On June 12 -13 international workshop Populism. Populism? Populism! What it looks like and what to do about it was held in Bratislava.
news | 15.6.2007 | IVO
IVO President about the Visegrad cooperation at the International Festival “The Golden Beggar” in Košice
President of the IVO Mr. Grigorij Mesežnikov gave a presentation at the International Local Televisions Festival “The Golden Beggar” 2007 in Košice.
project | 30.5.2007 | IVO
Women 45+ on Labor Market: Gender, Age and Equality of Opportunities
The Institute for Public Affairs and the Slovak development partnership Plus for Women 45+ hosted an international conference Women 45+ on Labor Market: Gender, Age and Equality of Opportunities on 10th 2007
project | 29.5.2007 | IVO
Tu a teraz: sondy do života žien 45+(Here and Now: Probes into the Lives of Women 45+)
The second of the six publications within the EQUAL project Plus for Women 45+
project | 28.5.2007 | IVO
Ženy, muži a vek v štatistikách trhu práce (Women, Men and Age in Labor Market Statistics)
The first of the six publications within the EQUAL project Plus for Women 45+
project | 20.5.2007 | IVO
Slovakia for Afghanistan: press conference with Afghan guests
Institute for Public Affairs finishes with its project „Slovakia for Afghanistan: Assisting in Building Democratic Institutions in a New State“
project | 11.5.2007 | IVO
Evaluation of the Social Inclusion Policy Aimed at Reducing Long-Term Unemployment
Final report available.
news | 20.3.2007 | IVO
Oľga Gyárfášová of IVO wins the prestigious Woman of the Year prize for 2006
Co-founder and Program Director of the Institute for Public Affairs Oľga Gyárfášová, PhD, became the most recent addition to the company of outstanding Slovak women as she was awarded the prestigious Woman of the Year prize for 2006 in the category Media & Communication.
book | 19.2.2007 | IVO
Slovakia 2006. A Global Report on the State of Society (Slovak version)
Like in previous years, the ‘flagship’ IVO publication offers its readers analytical depth combined with necessary distance while evaluating recent developments in particular areas of Slovakia’s political, economic and social life.
news | 5.2.2007 | IVO
Japanese professor Tomonori Yoshizaki lectured at the Institute for Public Affairs
On January 31, 2006 the presentation of professor Tomonori Yoshizaki Current Foreign, Security and Defense Policy of Japan: Basic Course and New Challenges was held at the Institute for Public Affairs.
news | 26.1.2007 | Slovak Press Watch
IVO Analysts among Most Frequently Quoted Experts in Slovak Media
The unique findings of "Slovak Press Watch" a research project conducted by INEKO, an independent economic think-tank.
project | 26.1.2007 | IVO
IVO publication about Slovakia’s path to democracy – published in Belarusian language
Top opposition leader of Belarus Mr. Alexander Milinkievic and his wife Mrs. Ina Kulei, introduced a book Slovak Hope. Lessons Learnt from Democratic Transformation in Slovakia.