NewsAll | 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006news | 22.12.2014 | IVO
Season's Greetings
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
news | 22.12.2014 | IVO
IVO BAROMETER: The quality of democracy in the 4th quarter unchanged, the average grade for 2014 worsened to 3.2
Institute for Public Affairs released its democracy barometer on Slovakia.
book | 1.12.2014 | IVO
Institute for Public Affairs released the new book
Ten Years in the Union: Slovak and Czech Way.
25.11.2014 | IVO
V4 countries' experience of reforms and lessons for Ukraine
International conference in Kiev with IVO participation.
news | 20.11.2014 | IVO
Municipal Mock elections in Slovakia: 18,500 high school students could vote in 37 cities
Institute for Public Affairs organized Student Municipal Elections in 72 high schools around Slovakia.
news | 4.11.2014 | IVO
Visegrad Countries and the EU: 10 Years of Membership
IVO president took part in the discussion "Ten years in the EU: Visegrad perspectives and beyond".
news | 14.10.2014 | IVO
IVO BAROMETER: The quality of democracy in the third quarter of 2014 has worsened to 3.2
Institute for Public Affairs released its democracy barometer on Slovakia.
publication | 9.10.2014 | IVO
Conspiracy Theories in Europe: A Compilation
Publication contains analyses and outcomes of the project Combating Conspiracy Theories as Tools for Extremist Political Mobilization.
news | 22.9.2014 | IVO
Local elections 2014 campaign monitoring - training for volunteers in Bratislava
The event embraced the theoretical information about the electoral law and campaign financing and practical tips for the monitoring.
14.7.2014 | The Slovak Spectator
Success based on alliances
IVO president about shifting political strategies in an interview for The Slovak Spectator.
news | 10.7.2014 | IVO
IVO BAROMETER: The quality of Slovak democracy in the second quarter of 2014 is evaluated to 3.1 points
Institute for Public Affairs released its democracy barometer on Slovakia.
news | 7.7.2014 | IVO
Zora Bútorová spoke at TED-x conference in Bratislava
"Active Ageing is not just an empty word".
news | 23.6.2014 | IVO
Extremism and the Role of Media
Debate on the international TV festival in Košice.
news | 20.6.2014 | The Slovak Spectator
IVO president comments for The Slovak Spectator
Grigorij Mesežnikov on the former and the new president of Slovakia.
news | 21.5.2014 | IVO
IVO on 2014 European Elections in Slovakia
Articles, reports, interviews, commentaries on the EU Elections of 2014 and news from the IVO projects on the topic.
news | 21.5.2014 | IVO
Zora Bútorová took part in a discussion on gender equality in Sweden and Slovakia
Panel discussion about the challenges and benefits of gender equality at work and at home and about the importance of active fatherhood.
news | 19.5.2014 | IVO
European elections are approaching. Did you already try EUVOX?
IVO recommends this EU-wide voting advice application.
news | 16.5.2014 | IVO
Thousands of high school students participated in European mock elections
Institute for Public Affairs organized Student European Elections in 62 high schools around Slovakia.
news | 7.5.2014 | IVO
Presentation of the publication on political parties' financing in Slovakia
Grigorij Mesežnikov, an author of the book, characterized the current state and key trends in financing of political parties.
news | 30.4.2014 | IVO
Debate on Visegrad and European identity
IVO president took part in the Ralph Dahrendorf round table in Budapest.
news | 16.4.2014 | IVO
IVO BAROMETER: The quality of democracy in the first quarter of 2014 has worsened to 3.2
Institute for Public Affairs released its democracy barometer on Slovakia.
news | 28.3.2014 | IVO
Meeting and discussion with ambassadors of the EU member states
Two days before the second round of the presidential elections Grigorij Mesežnikov took part in a discussion at the Embassy of Greece.
news | 11.3.2014 | IVO
Mock Presidential Elections: 7.644 voting students from 53 high schools in Slovakia
Institute for Public Affairs organized pilot nationwide Student Presidential Elections.
news | 6.3.2014 | IVO
Grigorij Mesežnikov at meeting with members of the Diplomatic Club
IVO president debated with foreign diplomats about presidential elections 2014.
news | 20.2.2014 | IVO
PASOS’ statement on tragic events in Ukraine
IVO endorsed the second PASOS' statement which demands EU to send immediately a high-level envoy to Ukraine, backed up by experienced mediators from member states.
news | 28.1.2014 | IVO
IVO endorsed the joint statement of PASOS members on situation in Ukraine
"It is time for EU diplomacy to move into high gear to prevent further escalation of the internal conflict in Ukraine."
news | 20.1.2014 | IVO
Institute for Public Affairs is a partner of the project MIPEX 2015
A project Integration policies: Who benefits? The development and use of indicators in integration debates.
news | 14.1.2014 | IVO
IVO BAROMETER: Quality of democracy in the 4th quarter of 2013 worsened to 3,1
Institute for Public Affairs released its democracy barometer on Slovakia.
news | 7.1.2014 | IVO
Social situation of marginalized Roma households
Two publications which represent outputs of a IVO project Data collection and monitoring of social and economic threats in marginalized communities.