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news | 9.12.2019 | IVO
“Doors wide shut“
On the impact of authoritarian states in Central European countries: A new study of Hungarian, Czech and Slovak analysts.

news | 5.12.2019 | IVO
New IVO book
Analysis of European elections 2019 in Slovakia.

news | 30.11.2019 | IVO
Discussion on Czechoslovak November 1989 in Brussels
Event organized by the Czech Fun Club.

book | 28.11.2019 | IVO
30 years after the Velvet Revolution. Profits and Losses in the Eyes of the Public
New book by the Institute for Public Affairs on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of November 1989.

news | 13.11.2019 | IVO
Ideals of November 1989 today
Discussion in Bratislava.

news | 12.11.2019 | IVO
On democratization of the European Union
International conference in Palermo.

news | 30.10.2019 | IVO
Civic education as a tool for improving democracy
Workshop of the platform Partnership for Civic Education.

news | 19.10.2019 | IVO
About international cooperation in the non-profit sector
On Forum 2000 Conference in Prague.

news | 10.10.2019 | IVO
The Institute for Public Affairs became a member of the Open Information Partnership
Initiative against misinformation and manipulation.

news | 1.10.2019 | IVO
Stance of the Institute for Public Affairs on the proposal to extend the moratorium on the publication of election surveys
The Institute for Public Affairs (IVO) expresses its strong opposition to the government coalition's proposal to extend the current two-week moratorium on publishing the results of public opinion polls to 30 days.

news | 1.10.2019 | IVO
The phenomenon of illiberal democracy: theory and practice
Round table in Vienna.

news | 24.9.2019 | IVO
About misinformation and influencing
Seminar in Trenčín.

news | 10.9.2019 | IVO
Speech at the Vienna Institute for Human Sciences
On distortions of democracy and political extremism.

news | 29.7.2019 | IVO
Discussion about the Czecho-Slovak 1990s
“Cultural Bridge“ in Fratres, Austria.

news | 24.7.2019 | IVO
Research data: youth education for civic coexistence
Basic results of survey on young people's attitudes to civic coexistence.

news | 20.6.2019 | IVO
European elections 2019 in Slovakia: results, context, consequences
Post-election discussion of IVO and HSS.

news | 15.6.2019 | IVO
Public presentation of IVO and HBS publication in Prague
Discussion on migration in Václav Havel Library.

news | 13.6.2019 | IVO
About Slovakia with the new president
GT discussion cocktail.

news | 9.6.2019 | IVO
Slovak-Hungarian relations in the period of transformation
Conference of the Forum Institute in Šamorín.

news | 3.6.2019 | IVO
30 years of democracy, 15 years in the EU
Debates in city Šahy.

news | 21.5.2019 | IVO
Discussion on European elections with European journalists
Event of the Association of European Journalists in Bratislava.

news | 17.5.2019 | IVO
Public opinion in Slovakia before the EP elections
Presentation for activists of political youth organizations.

news | 16.5.2019 | IVO
From Europe, to Europe?
Quo Vadis, EU?

news | 14.5.2019 | IVO
This time I'm going to vote - At home in the EU
Pre-election roadshow in Banská Bystrica.

news | 7.5.2019 | IVO
Slovakia before elections to the European Parliament
Results of IVO and HSS pre-election research.

news | 2.5.2019 | IVO
Celebration of the 15th anniversary of Slovakia‘s accession to the EU and NATO
On important events of Slovakia’s integration path.

news | 17.4.2019 | IVO
About radical views among teachers
Research DEREX in Slovakia.

news | 15.4.2019 | IVO
Study trip with Project Interchange – AJC
V-4 experts in Israel.

news | 5.4.2019 | IVO
Discussion about Slovak presidential elections in Prague
Event organized by young political scientists.

news | 9.3.2019 | IVO
15 years of membership of the Czech Republic and Slovakia in the European Union
Conference at Masaryk University in Brno.

news | 2.3.2019 | IVO
About illiberal and authoritarian tendencies in the countries of Central, Southeastern and Eastern Europe
The recent book of Peter Lang Publishing Group.

publication | 19.2.2019 | IVO
Phantom Menace. The Politics and Policies of Migration in Central Europe
New publication of Institute for Public Affairs and Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung.

news | 17.2.2019 | IVO
Eastern Partnership and V4 countries counter disinformation
International conference in Tbilisi.

news | 17.2.2019 | IVO
Discussion on combatting Anti-Semitism in Bratislava
Conference in the framework of Slovakia‘s presidency in the OSCE.

V4 is primarily based on cooperation in the domain of politics. But how is it perceived by the inhabitants of individual countries? 

Analysis of the situation and prospects for development in two areas related to Slovakia's attitudes towards Ukraine.

V4 at the Time of Polycrisis. Public Perception
Словаччина та Україна: перспективи співпраці та гравці

Attitudes of representatives of institutions and politicians towards Russian aggression & public opinion.

The key areas of the development of the country’s security and defence sector in 1993-2023.

Russia's war against Ukraine: A view from Slovakia
Thirty Years of Slovak Security and Defence Policy

What encourages some actors to promote ties with a declining power with aggressive foreign policy and undemocratic regime?

Factors that influence the country’s bilateral relations with EU member states in Central and Eastern Europe.

Who Is Playing Russian Roulette in Slovakia
Taiwanese-European Autumn 2021: A View from Slovakia

Collection of analytical studies from experts from Great Britain, France, Norway, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia.

Confronting the dark sides of the past and considering the participation of Christians in public life.

Conspiracy Theories in Europe
Tiso's Ghost in 2016 Slovakia
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