NewsAll | 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006news | 10.11.2008 | IVO
Martin Bútora: A new beginning – and not just for America
In one of his comments on the US presidential election, Martin Bútora, honorary president of the Institute for Public Affairs, and former Slovak Ambassador to the USA, anticipates the impact Barack Obama’s election will have on Slovakia, including its ethnic minorities.
news | 10.11.2008 | IVO
IVO and Heinrich Böll Stiftung held a workshop on national populism
The event was held within the project National Populism vs. Inter-Cultural Dialog in Slovakia: Political Factors and Values.
news | 6.11.2008 | IVO
New publication about democracy assistance policies of the Visegrad Four countries
IVO and PASOS presented new book on democracy assistance.
news | 3.11.2008 | IVO
Presentation of GMF project’s outcomes in Brussels
Ms. Gyárfášová and Mr. Kucheriv presented the findings of the project Endorsing Transatlantic Debate, Promoting Transatlantic Values, and Strengthening the Euroatlantic Vector in Ukraine.
project | 28.10.2008 | IVO
e-Governance in Slovakia 2006-2008
IVO has issued a CD summarizing the results of the project aimed at mapping out the processes of implementation of modern electronic approaches to governance.
seminar | 27.10.2008 | IVO
IVO and Heinrich Böll Stiftung holds a workshop on national populism
IVO in cooperation with Heinrich Böll Stiftung (Germany) is going to organize a workshop focused on issues related to national populism.
research | 10.10.2008 | IVO
Informatization in the Non-governmental Sector
IVO has finalized a project which ran for two years with support of Trust for Civil Society in Central & Eastern Europe. The final leg of the project was titled Informatization in the Non-governmental Sector and it set out to map out the extent to which NGOs employ information technologies with focus on their technical preparedness, human resources and electronic services.
press release | 6.10.2008 | IVO
IVO BAROMETER: Quality of democracy in the 3rd quarter-year: decline to 2,9
Compared to the evaluation of IVO Barometer for the 2nd quarter-year, the overall mark worsened by 0,1 point in the 3rd quarter-year.
news | 22.9.2008 | IVO
IVO experts discussed Euro – Atlantic integration and cooperation between Slovakia and Ukraine
Panel discussion “Euro-Atlantic Integration – Slovak Experience for Ukraine” took place on September 19, in Uzhorod.
news | 21.9.2008 | IVO
Martin Bútora at the Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael
Martin Bútora participated at the seminar in The Hague dedicated to the events of 1968 and consequences of the occupation of Czechoslovakia.
news | 16.9.2008 | IVO
The statement against ethnic and racial intolerance
Representatives of the Institute for Public Affairs expressed their concerns over the ethnic and racial intolerance in Slovakia's public life. Statement signed by 36 persons actively involved in the country's scientific, cultural and public life, was publicized in daily Sme and Changenet website.
project | 28.8.2008 | IVO
IVO released working paper Nurturing Atlanticists in Central Europe: Case of Slovakia and Poland
IVO has recently published a working paper entitled Nurturing Atlanticists in Central Europe: Case of Slovakia and Poland.
news | 27.8.2008 |
IVO representatives visited the Ukrainian Embassy in the Slovak Republic
The IVO representatives Mr. Mesežnikov and Ms. Gyárfášová visited the Ukrainian Embassy and presented the newly published book to Ukrainian Ambassador to Slovakia Mrs. Inna Ohnivec.
news | 25.8.2008 |
IVO released the publication in Ukrainian language
IVO released the publication On the road to Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine. Slovak – Ukrainian dialog between the neighbors.
research | 16.8.2008 | IVO
IVO: We are lagging behind in e-Government and are missing out on opportunities
IVO has recently published a study titled "e-Government as seen by the stakeholders and experts." The findings presented in the study are based on he data gathered through a survey research that was carried out by the Institute for Public Affairs throughout the period May-June 2008.
project | 1.7.2008 | IVO
IVO experts in Dnipropetrovs’k and Kiev about Euro Atlantic integration
Oľga Gyárfášová, IVO programme director, and Grigorij Mesežnikov, IVO President, took part in a round table discussion held on 24 June 2008 in Dnipropetrovs’k.
book | 18.6.2008 | IVO
IVO released working paper Populist Politics and Liberal Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe
The Institute for Public Affairs (IVO) has recently published a working paper entitled Populist Politics and Liberal Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe. The publication is an output of the one-year project Populism and Liberal Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe, supported by Trust for Civil Society in Central Eastern Europe.
conference | 16.6.2008 | IVO
Empowering civil society and public actors in the field of antidiscrimination
On June 11, 2008 IVO organised an international conference which was an activity of the project Towards Equal Treatment: Awareness Raising and Multi-Level Empowerment of the Civil Society and Public Actors in the Field of Anti-Discrimination.
conference | 4.6.2008 | IVO
IVO is organizing a conference about civil society and (anti)discrimination
IVO in cooperation with Občan a demokracia, Hlava 98 and PDCS is organizing a conference Empowerment of the Civil Society and Public Actors in the Field of Anti-Discrimination
conference | 28.5.2008 |
IVO co-organised a conference Social Democracy after the 2006 Elections
The conference was held on 23 – 24 May 2008 in Bratislava.
project | 27.5.2008 | IVO
Study stay of Ukrainian experts
Group of Ukrainian experts visited Bratislava on May, 11 – 15 2008.
research | 15.5.2008 | IVO
e-Democracy in Slovakia
IVO has recently published the results of a representative research dedicated to the attitudes of the population on the issue of e-Democracy in Slovakia authored by IVO analyst Marián Velšic.
article | 14.5.2008 | IVO
Cover ‘Slovakia 2007’ – Self-Fulfilling or Self Liquidating Prophecy?
Review of Soňa Szomolányi on publication Slovensko 2007.
news | 26.4.2008 | IVO
In New York about revolutions, future of democracy and Slovak experience
Martin Bútora contributed with his lecture Modernization, Illiberalism and Civil Society at the international conference held in New York.
news | 20.4.2008 | IVO
IVO experts on Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic prospects
On 9 April 2008 IVO analysts Martin Bútora and Grigorij Mesežnikov participated in the press conference Ukraine’s prospects in the context of the NATO Bucharest summit results – a Slovak point of view.
news | 15.4.2008 | IVO
Martin Bútora will serve on Board of European Foundation for Democracy through Partnership (EFDP)
Honorary President of IVO and PASOS representative Martin Bútora will serve on Board of European Foundation for Democracy through Partnership (EFDP), launched on 15 April.
news | 15.4.2008 | IVO
IVO at the 5th Assembly of the World Movement for Democracy in Kiev
Grigorij Mesežnikov and Martin Bútora participated in the 5th Assembly of the World Movement for Democracy – “Making Democracy Work: From Principles to Performance” which was held early April in Kiev.
news | 14.4.2008 | IVO
Post-Accession Slovakia: Cohabitation of Populists and Liberal Democracy
In his public lecture in Sofia G. Mesežnikov explored the impact of populist parties on the state of society and the democratic institutions in Slovakia.
conference | 7.4.2008 | IVO
Zora Bútorová presented the Plus for Women 45+ project at two international conferences
Women and Men in mid-age at the labour market was the topic of Zora Bútorová’s presentation at the conference New Trends in Personal Management 2008.
project | 26.3.2008 | IVO
IVO – Partner in an International Research Consortium
Institute for Public Affairs became Slovak partner in the collaborative project “Providing an Infrastructure for Research on Electoral Democracy in the European Union”, co-ordinated by the European University Institute and its Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies.
news | 20.3.2008 | IVO
IVO sociologists – co-authors of the publication Equal Pay for Equal Work?
IVO based sociologists Jarmila Filadelfiová and Oľga Gyárfášová contributed to the publication Equal Pay for Equal Work? Aspects of the Gender Pay Gap, edited by Jana Cviková, which is recently released by the Feminist Publishing and Educational Project ASPEKT, Bratislava.
news | 4.3.2008 | NDRI
The Study "Citizens Online" is IVOs contribution to the international network of researh institutions
Network of Democracy Research Institutes has released information on the publication of a research report titled "Citizens Online."
news | 21.2.2008 |
IVO Think Tank Protested against PM Fico’s Reaction to 2007 Slovakia Report
news | 20.2.2008 |
Fico: IVO Shouldn't Act as Independent Commentator of Politics
news | 19.2.2008 |
Prime Minister Fico Reacts Sharply to IVO's Slovakia 2007 Report
project | 18.2.2008 |
IVO Presents its Slovakia 2007 Annual Report
project | 12.2.2008 | IVO
IVO, Head 98 and Plus for Women 45+ project started the campaign “Let’s Overcome Barriers in Employment of middle Aged Women”
The social campaign will be running from 11 February to 3 March in electronic and print media.
research | 23.1.2008 | IVO - ITAPA
Citizens Online - A Research About the Attitudes of the Population Toward Online Public Services
The research represents one of the institute's flagship projects on e-Government in Slovakia.
interview | 9.1.2008 | IVO
Nationalism has simply asserted itself much easier
Read the interview with Grigorij Meseznikov in The Slovak Spectator.