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analysis | 3.12.2010 | IVO
The Atlanticism of Slovaks on the Rise
Oľga Gyárfášová and Zora Bútorová explore Transatlantic Trends 2010.

interview | 29.10.2010 | The Slovak Spectator
Grigorij Mesežnikov: Why Bad Laws Remain
Interview about the first 100 days of Iveta Radičová’s government.

news | 25.10.2010 | IVO
Better democracy in Slovakia?
IVO Barometer Survey Released.

news | 9.9.2010 | IVO
European Web Site on Integration
Institute for Public Affairs recommends this web portal.

news | 19.7.2010 | IVO
Survey gives Slovakia’s democracy a mediocre grade
IVO evaluates the trends in quality of democracy in Slovakia in April, May and June 2010.

news | 9.7.2010 | IVO
International Seminar on Elections in Visegrad Countries
Political and Sociological analyses of the election results in Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia.

presentation | 17.6.2010 | IVO
Second Wind Book Premiere
The Institute for Public Affairs and Kalligram Publishing House introduce the newest book of Martin Bútora.

news | 10.6.2010 | IVO
Slovakia Twenty Years After the First Free Elections and Two Days Before the Seventh Free Parliamentary Elections
Premiere of the book Where Are We? in Zilina.

news | 7.6.2010 | IVO
Discussions between Members of the Levoča Forum and the Authors of the Book Where Are We? Mental Maps of Slovakia
IVO’s research analysts at the Levoca Forum.

news | 31.5.2010 | IVO
Karel Schwarzenberg, Petr Pithart, Milan Horáček, Slavomír Michálek at the IVO Publications Conference in Prague
Premiere of the book Where Are We? Mental Maps of Slovakia in the capital of Czech Republic.

news | 24.5.2010 | IVO
A Seminar on Multiple Discrimination
The Institute for Public Affairs organizes seminars on discrimination in Slovak cities.

news | 20.5.2010 | TASR
IVO: Fico's Government Has Worsened Socio-economic Situation
The current Government has worsened the situation in Slovakia since it was sworn in four years ago, according to a Global Report on State of Society in Slovakia 2009.

news | 14.5.2010 | IVO
The Institute for Public Affairs Published Slovakia 2009. A Global Report on the State of Society and Trends for 2010
The 13th volume among IVO’s flagship book series is now available for the public.

article | 28.4.2010 | IVO
Remembering 20 years
Interesting fragments from Slovakia’s celebration of the 20th anniversary of November 1989 keep appearing in public even now, nearly six months after the country marked the Velvet Revolution.

news | 20.4.2010 | IVO
Martin Bútora Comments on Foreign Affairs News
Overview of the recent news by the IVO expert.

news | 15.4.2010 | IVO
IVO BAROMETER in the First Quarter of 2010
Analysts from the Institute for Public Affairs assessed the development of the quality of democracy.

news | 15.4.2010 | SITA, IVO
IVO: Quality of Democracy in Slovakia is not Improving
The quality of democracy in Slovakia has not been improving, stated the President of Public Affairs Institute Grigorij Meseznikov.

news | 14.4.2010 | IVO
Migration, Integration and the Society
Projects of the Institute for Public Affairs focused on migration and integration.

project | 15.3.2010 | IVO
IVO hosted a group of Ukrainian journalists
Form March 8 thru March 13 Institute for Public Affairs (IVO) hosted four prestigious Ukrainian journalists.

news | 12.3.2010 | IVO
Slovakia Facing the 2010 Parliamentary Elections
IVO presented its most recent survey Slovakia before the 2010 Elections.

news | 19.2.2010 | IVO
European Web Site on Integration
IVO as the local coordinator of the project The European Web Site on Integration.

news | 18.2.2010 | IVO
A Working Paper on the Indicators of Migrants’ Integration Published by IVO
Outcome Output of the project International Exchange of Experiences in Utilizing Indicators of Integration.

news | 18.2.2010 | IVO
IVO and PASOS published a publication discussing public evaluation of democratic transformation in the V4 countries
PASOS and IVO released a policy paper written by IVO analysts Zora Bútorová and Oľga Gyárfášová.

news | 18.2.2010 | IVO
A new beginning? Democracy support in EU external relations under the Lisbon Treaty
PASOS released policy brief A new beginning? Democracy support in EU external relations under the Lisbon Treaty.

news | 1.2.2010 | IVO
IVO Presented the Book Where Are We? Mental Maps of Slovakia
A Pivotal publication reflecting upon the 20 years since the fall of communism.

news | 25.1.2010 | IVO
IVO released its democracy barometer on Slovakia
Analysts assessed the development of the quality of democracy in the Fourth Quarter of 2009.

news | 7.1.2010 | IVO
IVO a Partner in the Electoral Democracy Project
The Institute for Public Affairs hosts a British expert and researcher Benjamin Stanley.

V4 is primarily based on cooperation in the domain of politics. But how is it perceived by the inhabitants of individual countries? 

Analysis of the situation and prospects for development in two areas related to Slovakia's attitudes towards Ukraine.

V4 at the Time of Polycrisis. Public Perception
Словаччина та Україна: перспективи співпраці та гравці

Attitudes of representatives of institutions and politicians towards Russian aggression & public opinion.

The key areas of the development of the country’s security and defence sector in 1993-2023.

Russia's war against Ukraine: A view from Slovakia
Thirty Years of Slovak Security and Defence Policy

What encourages some actors to promote ties with a declining power with aggressive foreign policy and undemocratic regime?

Factors that influence the country’s bilateral relations with EU member states in Central and Eastern Europe.

Who Is Playing Russian Roulette in Slovakia
Taiwanese-European Autumn 2021: A View from Slovakia

Collection of analytical studies from experts from Great Britain, France, Norway, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia.

Confronting the dark sides of the past and considering the participation of Christians in public life.

Conspiracy Theories in Europe
Tiso's Ghost in 2016 Slovakia
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