NewsAll | 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006news | 15.12.2011 | IVO
In Kiev on EU membership of Slovakia
IVO President attended an expert debate in the capital of Ukraine.
book | 14.12.2011 | IVO
Slovakia 1996-2010. Global Reports on the State of Society.
The Institute for Public Affairs has prepared a unique summary release of all Global Reports in electronic format on one medium.
news | 6.12.2011 | IVO
IVO at the international conference My Hero, Your Enemy: Listening to Understand
Within the conference the findings of the public opinion surveys about the historical memory in V4 countries have been presented.
news | 6.12.2011 | IVO
The integration experience of Slovakia
Lecture and discussion for a group of Ukrainian experts.
news | 17.11.2011 | IVO
The Slovakia 1996 – 2010 DVD: in-depth knowledge of Slovakia’s transformation
Set of all our Global Reports helps preserve the memory of Slovakia’s development since mid-1990s.
news | 8.11.2011 | IVO
IVO on the CEFRES conference in Prague
IVO president discussed the contexts of populist policies in Central Europe.
news | 5.11.2011 | IVO
IVO analysts at the international seminar in Bratislava
On Liberalism in the 21st century in Slovakia and Europe.
research | 19.10.2011 | IVO
Slovak Judiciary as Seen by the Public, Experts, and Judges
The first output of a new IVO project.
news | 6.10.2011 | IVO
International conference in Prague with the participation of IVO president
Grigorij Mesežnikov on the financing of political parties in Slovakia.
news | 5.10.2011 | IVO
Slovak-Austrian Conference on Regional Cooperation
IVO president Grigorij Mesežnikov in Hainburg an der Donau.
news | 5.10.2011 | IVO
At the Central European University about the radical right in Central Europe
Grigorij Mesežnikov attended an international conference in Budapest.
news | 20.9.2011 | IVO
IVO - Partner of the Transatlantic Trends 2011
Presentation of a survey of opinions of the American and the European publics on the wide range of foreign-political issues in Bratislava.
news | 14.9.2011 | IVO
Migrants in the Slovak labor market. Problems and Perspectives.
New IVO Study on economic aspects of migration and integration of the third country nationals in Slovakia.
news | 12.9.2011 | IVO
NGO experts prepare two studies on civil society in Slovakia
IVO, CpF and PDCS are collaborating on a research project analyzing current state and trends in the development of civil society.
news | 10.9.2011 | IVO
The terrorist attacks of 9/11 remembered
Honorary President of IVO and former Ambassador to the United States Martin Bútora speaks about the September 11 attacks for the media.
news | 10.8.2011 | IVO, TASR
Grigorij Mesežnikov Comments for the News Agency of the Slovak Republic
IVO president analyzes Slovak political parties’ stances on financial safety nets for eurozone.
news | 25.7.2011 | IVO, The Slovak Spectator
Slovakia's democracy marks improve
The Slovak Spectator released an article about the latest IVO BAROMETER.
news | 25.7.2011 | IVO
Institute for Public Affairs expressed strong condemnation of the attacks in Oslo
A letter sent to the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Bratislava.
book | 20.7.2011 | IVO
Slovakia 2010. A report on the State of Society and Democracy and Trends for 2011
The Institute for Public Affairs has issued a new book.
news | 20.7.2011 | IVO
Press conference and presentation of the book "Slovakia 2010. A report on the State of Society and Democracy and Trends for 2011"
The 14th volume among IVO’s flagship book series is now available for the public.
news | 19.7.2011 | IVO, TASR
IVO BAROMETER in the First Half-year of 2011
Institute for Public Affairs released its democracy barometer on Slovakia.
news | 18.7.2011 | IVO
Oľga Gyárfášová about the continual emerging of new political parties
IVO analyst made an interview for the news portal
news | 12.7.2011 | PASSOS
Call for Fellows – Ilko Kucheriv Democracy Fellowship Programme
Mentoring and networking opportunities for fellows from the CIS countries.
news | 30.6.2011 | IVO, TA3
IVO: The First Year of Iveta Radičová´s Government
Grigorij Mesežnikov in session broadcast “Analysis and Trends“ in television TA3.
news | 16.6.2011 | IVO
Seminar on Taiwan´s position in world politics
Authority of Taiwan (Republic of China) in the world and the prospects for Slovak-Taiwanese relations discussed.
news | 10.6.2011 | IVO
Péter Hunčík, member of The Board of Directors of IVO, presented his Novel “The Borderline Case”
The book was introduced by Martin Bútora and Zora Bútorová.
news | 10.6.2011 | IVO
Visegrad Cooperation after 20 years
IVO on the International festival of local broadcasters ”Golden Beggar“ in Košice.
news | 10.6.2011 | IVO
Martin Bútora spoke on The Central European Symposium in London
The discussion was devoted to the political participation of citizens, especially the youth.
presentation | 8.6.2011 | IVO
Presentation of the book “Slovak Elections 10“ in Artforum, Bratislava
The premiere of the publication together with a discussion “Chance for a change – a year after…”
news | 7.6.2011 | IVO
Zora Bútorová and Martin Bútora on the 8th "Meeting in Poiplie" in Šahy
Politics, issues of gender equality, and identity challenges of the 21st century were topics of a marathon discussion.
book | 6.6.2011 | IVO
Slovakia 2010. Trends in Quality of Democracy
The Institute for Public Affairs has issued a new book in English.
news | 3.6.2011 | IVO
About NGOs and democratization
Grigorij Mesežnikov spoke at the seminar "Transformation Experience of the Slovak Republic".
news | 31.5.2011 | IVO
Language competence of Slovak population: German language in comparison with other languages
Institute for Public Affairs presented results of a survey.
news | 30.5.2011 | IVO
IVO at the conference The Gains and Benefits of Care Services
The broader social context of policies aimed at the harmonization of work, family and personal life was discussed.
news | 30.5.2011 | IVO
Slovakia one year after elections
Discussion on the Bratislava Current Affairs Forum.
news | 25.5.2011 | IVO
IVO participated in the scientific publication on citizenship, participation and deliberation
Presentation of a new book issued by the Slovak Academy of Sciences.
news | 25.5.2011 | IVO
Grigorij Mesežnikov at the meeting of judges
On the developments in Slovakia‘s judicial system since 1989.
news | 19.5.2011 | IVO
IVO at the conference UNITED for Intercultural Action
Discussions about a battle against nationalism in Europe.
news | 13.5.2011 | IVO
Debate "Are we threatened by crisis of public trust?"
Panel discussion in the Polish Institute with IVO analysts.
news | 13.5.2011 | IVO, FPRI
Institute for Public Affairs in the ranking of "Global Go-To Think Tanks 2010"
IVO in the annual report from the Foreign Policy Research Institute.
book | 11.5.2011 | IVO
Slovak Elections ‘10: A Chance for a Change
The Institute for Public Affairs has issued a book about the last year's parliamentary elections in Slovakia.
news | 6.5.2011 | IVO
MIPEX III - Evaluation of Migrants Integration Policies
Institute for public Affairs was a national partner of the project.
analysis | 5.5.2011 | IVO
Female Migrants and Male Migrants in the labor market in Slovakia – Identification and overcoming the discrimination barriers
New study from the Institute for Public Affairs.
news | 3.5.2011 | IVO, SITA
Survey on Labor Migration in Slovakia
Project was focused on the mapping of economic aspects of migration and integration.
news | 21.4.2011 | IVO, TASR, The Slovak Spectator
IVO survey finds rising distrust in politicians
According to a public opinion poll by IVO, Robert Fico remains the most popular politician, but the trust towards PM Iveta Radičová has increased.
news | 20.4.2011 | IVO
Analysis of the first half-year of the center-right government
Grigorij Mesežnikov published his article in the German periodical KAS International Reports.
news | 8.4.2011 | IVO
IVO at a seminar in Sarajevo
Preparation and implementation of effective communication strategies in preparation for joining NATO.
news | 4.4.2011 | IVO
Discussion and book presentation in Prague
Premiere of the book Visegrad Elections 2010: Domestic Impact and European Consequences in the capital of Czech Republic.
news | 24.3.2011 | IVO
Seminars on human rights and discrimination
Two analysts from IVO, Oľga Gyárfášová and Martina Sekulová, lectured in Veľký Meder.
news | 22.3.2011 | IVO
Martin Bútora and Zora Bútorová Attended Symposiums in Cedar Rapids and Ann Arbor
IVO analysts attended expert meetings in the USA.
interview | 22.3.2011 | IVO
President of IVO evaluates current development in Slovakia
Grigorij Mesežnikov gave an interview about the current political topics for the weekly Csallóköz (Rye Island).
presentation | 17.3.2011 | IVO
Voters of center-right parties in Slovakia and the EU membership
The study is focused on voters of the center-right parties in Slovakia and their perception of the EU membership.
news | 15.3.2011 | IVO
Discussion about the State-Church Relations
On the historical and current socio-political contexts in discussion organized by the Open Society Foundation Bratislava.
news | 15.3.2011 | IVO
Grigorij Mesežnikov on a workshop NOS - OSF
On right-wing tendencies with young journalists from CEE countries.
news | 14.3.2011 | IVO
Grigorij Meseznikov with students in Dunajska Streda
President IVO lectured and debated with students from the Ladislav Dúbrava school and private secondary high school in Dunajska Streda.
news | 10.3.2011 | IVO
Wrocław: Workshop on Liberalism and Liberal Politics
Grigorij Mesežnikov on liberal parties and liberal politics in CEE countries during and after 20 years of society’s transformation.
news | 4.3.2011 | IVO
Book "Visegrad Elections 2010" premiere in Bratislava
Discussion on the political, economic and foreign policy implications of the 2010 elections in four European countries.
book | 15.2.2011 | IVO
Visegrad Elections 2010: Domestic Impact and European Consequences
The Institute for Public Affairs has issued a new book in English.
news | 8.2.2011 | IVO
Slovakia: Two Decades of Freedom
Martin Bútora and Zora Bútorová published their articles in the American journal Slovo.
news | 7.2.2011 | IVO
Reissue of the Comprehensive Publication on the EU Countries’ Political Systems
Author of the chapter on the political system of Slovakia is Grigorij Mesežnikov.
news | 1.2.2011 | IVO
IVO BAROMETER: Quality of democracy in the 4th quarter-year of 2010
Institute for Public Affairs released its democracy barometer on Slovakia.
news | 31.1.2011 | IVO
IVO analysts at the Train Station Žilina - Záriečie
A discussion of various contemporary issues.
news | 28.1.2011 | IVO
Martin Butora on two years of Barack Obama's governance
Rating a policy of American president and comment about Obama's massage about the state of the Union.
news | 27.1.2011 | IVO
Grigorij Mesežnikov Participated in the Conference On the Judiciary in Visegrad Countries
The conference was organized by the Open Society Foundation in Bratislava and the “For Open Judiciary” Initiative.
news | 19.1.2011 | IVO
Ben Stanley completed his post-doc fellowship at IVO
The Institute for Public Affairs has been hosting a British expert.
news | 18.1.2011 | IVO, Slovak Sociological Review
IVO´s publication reviewed
An article about the book "Slovakia Votes. European and Presidential Elections in 2009".
interview | 18.1.2011 | IVO, Profiľ
Grigorij Mesežnikov about transformation experience of Slovakia in the Ukrainian magazine
An extensive interview with IVO president.
research | 2.1.2011 | IVO
The most urgent social problem is unemployment
Institute for Public Affairs issued a sociological research report.