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conference | 11.12.2009 | IVO
Conference Return to Europe
IVO analysts, Grigorij Mesežnikov and Oľga Gyárfášová have attended a prestigious conference „Return to Europe.

news | 9.11.2009 | IVO
IVO organized a press meeting “Back to Europe”
IVO informed about the outcomes of comparative research on how citizens of Visegrad Four perceive the political development after the year 1989.

news | 2.11.2009 | IVO
G. Mesežnikov appeared on a conference about national populism
G. Mesežnikov presented his paper on national populism and nature of state.

research | 17.8.2009 | IVO
IVO: Most Citizens Concerned over Unsettled Murder of Daniel Tupy
The fact that the police have not yet closed Daniel Tupy murder case and failed to find his murderer(s) four years after the crime happened is a reason for concern for 66 percent of Slovakia’s inhabitants.

news | 6.8.2009 | IVO
Most Citizens Concerned about Tension in Relations with Hungary
A great portion of Slovakia’s citizens feel concerns over tension in relations between Bratislava and Budapest.

research | 5.8.2009 | IVO
IVO survey finds most Slovaks think anti-crisis measures are not enough
More than half of the citizens of Slovakia think that the government’s package of anti-crisis measures are not enough.

news | 31.7.2009 | IVO
Slovaks Concerned over Unemployment and Financial Prospects
Majority of Slovak citizens are concerned over rising unemployment as well as financial outlook of their households.

news | 31.7.2009 | IVO
PM Fico: IVO survey aimed to help opposition parties
Fico responded that the IVO survey on the degree of corruption as perceived by Slovakia's public is absolutely untrustworthy.

research | 31.7.2009 | IVO
74% of Slovaks concerned about corruption in government
Survey carried out by the Institute for Public Affairs from July 1-7 on a sample of 1,017 people aged over 18.

interview | 13.7.2009 | IVO
IVO president comments on chances of the newly established Slovak-Hungarian party Most-Hid (Bridge)
Grigorij Mesežnikov‘s interview to SITA news agency about factors of possible success of new political formation.

news | 6.7.2009 | IVO
IVO BAROMETER: Quality of democracy in the 2nd quarter-year of 2009: decline to 3,3
Compared to the evaluation of IVO Barometer for the 1st quarter-year, the overall mark worsened by 0,2 point in the 2nd quarter-year.

conference | 30.4.2009 | IVO
International conference Poverty, Inequality, and Democracy in Bratislava

news | 23.4.2009 | IVO
Zora Bútorová presented the book She and He in Slovakia: Gender and Age in the Period of Transition at the Visegrad Parlor
The event was organized by the Bratislava-based Hungarian Cultural Institute in cooperation with the Czech Center and the Polish Institute.

news | 22.4.2009 | IVO
IVO BAROMETER: Quality of democracy in the 1st quarter-year of 2009 remained unchanged - 3,1
Compared to the evaluation of IVO Barometer for the 4th quarter-year of 2008, the overall mark remained unchanged in the 1st quarter-year of 2009.

book | 10.4.2009 | IVO
New IVO book on quality of democracy in Slovakia
Institute for Public Affairs issued a new publication Slovakia 2008. Trends in Quality of Democracy.

news | 8.4.2009 | IVO
She and He Still Not Equal
In her interview published in The Slovak Spectator, Zora Bútorová, the chief author of the book She and He in Slovakia. Gender and Age in the Period of Transition, discusses gender and age-based inequalities and Slovakia’s degree of readiness for a female president.

interview | 7.4.2009 | IVO
IVO president´s commentary about Ivan Gašparovič’s victory in presidential elections
Grigorij Mesežnikov comments on the results of presidential elections for The Slovak Spectator weekly.

news | 3.4.2009 | IVO
Plus for Women 45+ (2005 – 2008)
Institute for Public Affairs (IVO) has issued a CD summarizing the results of the project Plus for Women 45+ (2005 – 2008).

news | 17.3.2009 | IVO
She and He in Slovakia. Gender and Age in the Period of Transition
The book is the result of a project called Plus for Women 45+ within the EU Community Initiative EQUAL.

news | 16.3.2009 | IVO
Report Slams Government for Rising Corruption: Slovak Spectator on Global Report on Slovakia 2008
Ľuba Lesná of weekly Slovak Spectator reviewes the Global Report on Slovakia main findings.

news | 9.3.2009 | IVO
Presentation on the publication She and He in Slovakia: Gender and Age in the Period of Transition at UNDP and UNIFEM
The book and the main findings of the project have been presented by Oľga Gyárfášová, IVO Program director and the member of the authors and research team.

book | 27.2.2009 | IVO
Institute for Public Affairs released the book Slovakia 2008. Global Report on the State of Society
Global Report on Slovakia is a comprehensive analytical yearbook covering the basic trends and key events in all relevant areas of country’s public life – domestic politics, foreign policy, economy, and various sectors of society. Editors of the book are internal IVO analysts Miroslav Kollár, Grigorij Mesežnikov and Martin Bútora. Publication is the most frequently quoted source of information and analysis about Slovakia.

news | 5.2.2009 | Slovak Spectator
Democracy Deteriorates: Slovak Spectator about IVO Barometer
Luba Lesna of weekly Slovak Spectator reviewed the IVO Barometer main findings discussing the country's state of democracy with researchers.

news | 19.1.2009 | IVO
IVO BAROMETER: Quality of democracy in the 4th quarter-year: decline to 3,1
Compared to the evaluation of IVO Barometer for the 3rd quarter-year, the overall mark worsened by 0,2 point in the 4th quarter-year.

book | 12.1.2009 | IVO
National Populism in Slovakia – new publication by IVO
The working paper is a key output of the project "National Populism vs. Inter-Cultural Dialog in Slovakia: Political Factors and Values" supported by the Heinrich Böll Stiftung (Germany).

V4 is primarily based on cooperation in the domain of politics. But how is it perceived by the inhabitants of individual countries? 

Analysis of the situation and prospects for development in two areas related to Slovakia's attitudes towards Ukraine.

V4 at the Time of Polycrisis. Public Perception
Словаччина та Україна: перспективи співпраці та гравці

Attitudes of representatives of institutions and politicians towards Russian aggression & public opinion.

The key areas of the development of the country’s security and defence sector in 1993-2023.

Russia's war against Ukraine: A view from Slovakia
Thirty Years of Slovak Security and Defence Policy

What encourages some actors to promote ties with a declining power with aggressive foreign policy and undemocratic regime?

Factors that influence the country’s bilateral relations with EU member states in Central and Eastern Europe.

Who Is Playing Russian Roulette in Slovakia
Taiwanese-European Autumn 2021: A View from Slovakia

Collection of analytical studies from experts from Great Britain, France, Norway, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia.

Confronting the dark sides of the past and considering the participation of Christians in public life.

Conspiracy Theories in Europe
Tiso's Ghost in 2016 Slovakia
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