
All | 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006

news | 11.3.2025 | IVO
IVO Road Show “Experts to the People” in Rimavská Sobota
Public discussion on Slovakia’s resilience.

news | 13.11.2024 | IVO
Central Europe and Future EU Enlargement
International conference in Vienna.

publication | 19.8.2024 | IVO
Словаччина та Україна: перспективи співпраці та гравці
Publication Slovakia and Ukraine: Cooperation Perspectives and Actors (in Ukrainian).

publication | 1.7.2024 | IVO
V4 at the Time of Polycrisis. Public Perception
New IVO publication.

news | 7.6.2024 | IVO
An Open Letter to Our Fellow Europeans
Cres declaration.

news | 16.12.2023 | IVO
Thirty Years of Slovak Security and Defence Policy
A new publication of the Institute for Public Affairs.

news | 2.6.2023 | IVO
Thirty years of independent Slovakia. Six views on the formation of the state
New publication of IVO and HSS.

news | 2.2.2023 | IVO
Two years of political freedom – re-edition
A new publication of the Institute for Public Affairs.

news | 27.1.2023 |
Older people among us. Where we are, where we are going
New IVO book.

publication | 5.12.2022 | IVO
Russia's war against Ukraine: A view from Slovakia
New IVO publication.

16.11.2022 |
The final event and analytical output of the iSANS project
Panel discussion in Warsaw.

news | 8.5.2022 | IVO
Russia’s war against Ukraine in the mirror of social networks in the V4
A new study by Visegrad experts.

news | 29.4.2022 | IVO
Final outputs of a project examining modern antisemitism in the V4 countries
Result of the cooperation of Central European experts.

publication | 3.1.2022 | IVO
New IVO publication
Analysis of the current trends in Taiwan’s relations with EU member states.

publication | 7.9.2021 | IVO
Visegrad Four as Viewed by the Public: Past Experience and Future Challenges
The V4 is based primarily on cooperation in the domain of politics. But how is it perceived by inhabitants of individual countries? Do they know at all what it entails?

publication | 31.8.2021 | IVO
New IVO publication: Who is Playing Russian Roulette in Slovakia
Mapping out activities of actors of foreign authoritarian influence in Slovakia.

news | 24.7.2021 | IVO
Study on foreign authoritarian influence in Europe
Analysis by Central European scholars.

news | 26.6.2021 | IVO
Summer school on migration
Event of Uzhhorod University.

news | 24.6.2021 | IVO
Symposium on Europe’s Future on Cres
Event of IWM and Rijeka University.

news | 23.4.2021 | IVO
Round table on international security in the Carpathian region
Expert discussion in Uzhhorod.

news | 2.3.2021 | IVO
Discussion on Slovak-Russian relations and actors of Russian influence in Slovakia
Who plays Russian roulette in Slovakia.

news | 27.12.2020 | IVO
Visegrad Insight: Maia Sandu’s Undisputable Victory
Article on Moldova in Russian media.

news | 16.12.2020 | IVO
New article on pro-Kremlin narratives in Slovakia
Visegrad Insight with iSANS published an essay on pro-Kremlin narratives in Slovakia and their main disseminators.

news | 3.12.2020 | IVO
30 years of liberal democracy in Slovakia
IVO at the Košice Economic Forum.

news | 27.11.2020 | IVO
Visegrad Insight: Stuck in the Russian Web
Article on Serbia in Russian media.

news | 10.11.2020 | IVO
Infodemic 2020
A new study of Visegrad think tanks about performance of the disinformation-conspiracy scene during the COVID19.

news | 6.11.2020 | IVO
Visegrad Insight: Hiding the Russian Connection
Article on Slovakia in Russian media.

news | 14.10.2020 | IVO
Slovak elections '20. What change they brought
New IVO publication.

news | 13.10.2020 | IVO
New article on ЕU‘s and Russia’s policies towards Belarus
Visegrad Insight with iSANS published an essay on how EU and Russia are reacting to current developments in Belarus.

news | 1.10.2020 | IVO
Visegrad Insight: Time Will Tell
Article on Montenegro in Russian media.

news | 16.9.2020 | IVO
Authoritarian shadows in Europe
New analytical study.

news | 2.9.2020 | IVO
Visegrad Insight: Neither white nor red
Article on Belarus (Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine) in Russian media.

invitation | 25.8.2020 | IVO
„Authoritarian shadows. Malign influence in the European Parliament“
Online discussion.

news | 10.8.2020 | IVO
Visegrad Insight: Did Duda Win? No, It Is Only Zelensky, Merkel and Brussels Who Have Lost
Article on Poland in Russian media.

news | 12.7.2020 | IVO
Visegrad Insight: Too Many Spies
Article on Bulgaria in Russian media.

news | 1.7.2020 | IVO
New article on phantom battles over historic memory
Visegrad Insight with iSANS published an essay on how Russia is waging memory wars with Central European countries.

news | 20.6.2020 | IVO
100 days of the new government
Discussion in the club Under A Lamp.

news | 3.6.2020 | IVO
Visegrad Insight: Saving Konev with Ricin Poison?
Article on Czech Republic in Russian media.

article | 29.5.2020 | IWMpost
On post-electoral Slovakia
Article in new volume of IWMpost magazine.

news | 6.5.2020 | IVO
Visegrad Insight: Russia’s Best Friend?
Article on Hungary in Russian media.

news | 29.4.2020 | IVO
Slovakia: New Government, New Challenges
Discussion organized by the German Marshall Fund of the US.

news | 31.3.2020 | IVO
Visegrad Insight: A Friend Lost?
Article on Slovakia in Russian media.

project | 31.3.2020 |
Slovak parliamentary elections 2020
This portal focuses on analyzes, comments, interviews and articles by IVO analysts on the 2020 parliamentary elections in the Slovak Republic.

news | 25.3.2020 | IVO
Migration policy in the context of globalization
Online conference in Uzhgorod.

news | 12.3.2020 | IVO
Visegrad Insight: Struggle for the Present
Article on Czech Republic in Russian media.

news | 11.3.2020 | IVO
On the rule of law in the process of European integration and democratization
At the Think Tank Forum in Skopje.

news | 28.2.2020 | IVO
Responses to crisis of liberalism
Roundtable in IWM, Vienna.

news | 21.2.2020 | IVO
Democrats, national populists and extremists in the Slovak parliamentary elections 2020
Public forum in Bratislava.

news | 20.2.2020 | IVO
Visegrad Insight: The Victim Becomes the Perpetrator
Article on Poland in Russian media.

project | 1.1.2020 |
Central Europe in the mirror of Russian media

news | 9.12.2019 | IVO
“Doors wide shut“
On the impact of authoritarian states in Central European countries: A new study of Hungarian, Czech and Slovak analysts.

news | 5.12.2019 | IVO
New IVO book
Analysis of European elections 2019 in Slovakia.

news | 30.11.2019 | IVO
Discussion on Czechoslovak November 1989 in Brussels
Event organized by the Czech Fun Club.

book | 28.11.2019 | IVO
30 years after the Velvet Revolution. Profits and Losses in the Eyes of the Public
New book by the Institute for Public Affairs on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of November 1989.

news | 13.11.2019 | IVO
Ideals of November 1989 today
Discussion in Bratislava.

news | 12.11.2019 | IVO
On democratization of the European Union
International conference in Palermo.

news | 30.10.2019 | IVO
Civic education as a tool for improving democracy
Workshop of the platform Partnership for Civic Education.

news | 19.10.2019 | IVO
About international cooperation in the non-profit sector
On Forum 2000 Conference in Prague.

news | 10.10.2019 | IVO
The Institute for Public Affairs became a member of the Open Information Partnership
Initiative against misinformation and manipulation.

news | 1.10.2019 | IVO
Stance of the Institute for Public Affairs on the proposal to extend the moratorium on the publication of election surveys
The Institute for Public Affairs (IVO) expresses its strong opposition to the government coalition's proposal to extend the current two-week moratorium on publishing the results of public opinion polls to 30 days.

news | 1.10.2019 | IVO
The phenomenon of illiberal democracy: theory and practice
Round table in Vienna.

news | 24.9.2019 | IVO
About misinformation and influencing
Seminar in Trenčín.

news | 10.9.2019 | IVO
Speech at the Vienna Institute for Human Sciences
On distortions of democracy and political extremism.

news | 29.7.2019 | IVO
Discussion about the Czecho-Slovak 1990s
“Cultural Bridge“ in Fratres, Austria.

news | 24.7.2019 | IVO
Research data: youth education for civic coexistence
Basic results of survey on young people's attitudes to civic coexistence.

news | 20.6.2019 | IVO
European elections 2019 in Slovakia: results, context, consequences
Post-election discussion of IVO and HSS.

news | 15.6.2019 | IVO
Public presentation of IVO and HBS publication in Prague
Discussion on migration in Václav Havel Library.

news | 13.6.2019 | IVO
About Slovakia with the new president
GT discussion cocktail.

news | 9.6.2019 | IVO
Slovak-Hungarian relations in the period of transformation
Conference of the Forum Institute in Šamorín.

news | 3.6.2019 | IVO
30 years of democracy, 15 years in the EU
Debates in city Šahy.

news | 21.5.2019 | IVO
Discussion on European elections with European journalists
Event of the Association of European Journalists in Bratislava.

news | 17.5.2019 | IVO
Public opinion in Slovakia before the EP elections
Presentation for activists of political youth organizations.

news | 16.5.2019 | IVO
From Europe, to Europe?
Quo Vadis, EU?

news | 14.5.2019 | IVO
This time I'm going to vote - At home in the EU
Pre-election roadshow in Banská Bystrica.

news | 7.5.2019 | IVO
Slovakia before elections to the European Parliament
Results of IVO and HSS pre-election research.

news | 2.5.2019 | IVO
Celebration of the 15th anniversary of Slovakia‘s accession to the EU and NATO
On important events of Slovakia’s integration path.

news | 17.4.2019 | IVO
About radical views among teachers
Research DEREX in Slovakia.

news | 15.4.2019 | IVO
Study trip with Project Interchange – AJC
V-4 experts in Israel.

news | 5.4.2019 | IVO
Discussion about Slovak presidential elections in Prague
Event organized by young political scientists.

news | 9.3.2019 | IVO
15 years of membership of the Czech Republic and Slovakia in the European Union
Conference at Masaryk University in Brno.

news | 2.3.2019 | IVO
About illiberal and authoritarian tendencies in the countries of Central, Southeastern and Eastern Europe
The recent book of Peter Lang Publishing Group.

publication | 19.2.2019 | IVO
Phantom Menace. The Politics and Policies of Migration in Central Europe
New publication of Institute for Public Affairs and Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung.

news | 17.2.2019 | IVO
Eastern Partnership and V4 countries counter disinformation
International conference in Tbilisi.

news | 17.2.2019 | IVO
Discussion on combatting Anti-Semitism in Bratislava
Conference in the framework of Slovakia‘s presidency in the OSCE.

news | 27.12.2018 | IVO
Discussion about year 2018 in Blue Salon of the Slovak National Theater
The finished “eighth” year reflected by political scientist, lawyer – activist and journalist.

news | 27.12.2018 | IVO
Reflection of year of protests in a new book released by N Press
Meetings of readers and authors.

news | 24.11.2018 | IVO
Country in the “8“-year of changes
Public discussion in Bratislava.

news | 20.11.2018 | IVO
Slovakia in 2018
Discussion on changes in the country at the Central European Forum in Banská Bystrica.

news | 1.11.2018 | IVO
Civic co-existence and democracy against extremism
Public discussion in Dunajská Streda.

news | 27.10.2018 | IVO
On current developments in Slovakia and Central Europe
Discussion with young experts from the Austrian think tank PONTO.

news | 22.10.2018 | IVO
On EU-Taiwan cooperation and the situation in East Asia and the Pacific
European experts in Taiwan.

news | 12.10.2018 | IVO
Media freedom, information conflicts and democracy in Slovakia
Public discussion in Trenčín.

news | 28.9.2018 | IVO
Direct democracy in Slovakia and Switzerland: potential and challenges
Discussion at the conference.

news | 25.9.2018 | IVO
The attitudes of young people in Central Europe to politics, democracy and integration
Presentation of research study in Bratislava.

news | 20.9.2018 | IVO
The role of civic activism for the democratic future of Slovakia
Public discussion in Košice.

news | 18.9.2018 | IVO
Youth, Slovakia and Europe
Public discussion in Žilina.

news | 7.9.2018 | IVO
Occupation of Czechoslovakia 1968 – 50 years after
Conference in the European Parliament.

news | 26.8.2018 | IVO
Institute for Public Affairs mourns for Senator John McCain
IVO reacts to death of outstanding American politician.

news | 20.8.2018 | IVO
Statement of the Institute for Public Affairs on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of August 21, 1968
We appreciate the bravery of hundreds of thousands of citizens who on August 21, 1968 and in the following days went to the streets and squares of Slovak and Czech cities to resist the prevailing occupation forces.

news | 19.8.2018 | IVO
Slovakia, Europe and the world: half-century after August 1968
Public discussion in Prešov.

news | 16.8.2018 | IVO
Czechoslovakia’s Year 1968: View from Ukraine and Russia
Discussion in Art Gallery Umelka.

news | 12.8.2018 | IVO
The campaign was launched that explains young people in Slovakia the events in August 1968.

news | 19.7.2018 | IVO
Screening of documentary film about Oleg Sentsov
Solidarity with imprisoned Ukrainian film maker.

news | 3.7.2018 | IVO
Study of IVO analysts on current developments in Slovakia
Journal of Democracy published the article written by Grigorij Mesežnikov and Oľga Gyárfášová.

news | 28.6.2018 | IVO
Seminar on myths on socialism and social state
What feeds myths about the past in Slovakia.

news | 16.6.2018 | IVO
Fateful „eights“ in historic consciousness of the Slovak and Czech public
Presentation of results of sociological research in Slovakia and in the Czech Republic

news | 15.6.2018 | IVO
Presentation of the OSCE/ODIHR publication about fight against antisemitism and security of Jewish communities
IVO at the OSCE/ODIHR event.

news | 11.6.2018 | IVO
International TV festival Golden Beggar in Košice
Discussions with political analysts, historians and journalists.

news | 7.6.2018 | IVO
On Soviet invasion in August 1968 and its contemporary echoes
Discussion of political scientists in Bratislava.

news | 4.6.2018 | IVO
On citizens’ opinion about transformation of Slovak society
IVO president at the international conference dedicated to John Harsanyi.

news | 27.5.2018 | IVO
About freedom of media, fake news and disinformation campaigns
Discussion of the Association of European Journalists in Bratislava.

news | 25.5.2018 | IVO
On the future of democracy in Visegrad countries
International conference in Budapest.

news | 13.5.2018 | IVO
The conference “European Union, Democracy and Civil Society“ in Bratislava
Joint event of the Institute of European Democrats, the Institute for Public Affairs and the Pan-European University.

news | 3.5.2018 | IVO
On the current political situation in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
Discussion in the framework of the project Pátečníci in Prague.

news | 24.4.2018 | IVO
About the current China’s presence in Central Europe
International conference in Bratislava.

news | 24.4.2018 | IVO
Research of political attitudes of youth
The newest findings from sociological survey.

news | 26.3.2018 | IVO
On security situation in Slovakia and Central Europe
Seminar on security issues in Central Europe and civil – military relations.

news | 28.2.2018 |
Possible Maximum? 25 years of independent Czech and Slovak foreign policy
New publication of the Institute for Public Affairs (Bratislava), the Association for International Affairs (Prague) and the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung.

news | 27.2.2018 |
Discussion on the influence of authoritarian states
Presentation of results of the analytical project in the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic.

news | 23.2.2018 |
Presentations of the new publication of IVO, AMO and Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung in Bratislava and Banska Bystrica
Introduction of the book on 25 years of independent Czech and Slovak foreign policy.

news | 16.2.2018 |
Increasing knowledge about NATO among Belarusians
International expert conference in Warsaw.

news | 27.1.2018 |
Discussion with Howard Dean in Bratislava
Meeting with a leading American politician.

news | 20.1.2018 |
Public debate on civic participation in Prague.
IVO president at public discussion about active citizenship organized by STEM Institute.

news | 21.12.2017 |
Active citizenship and civic participation in Slovakia and V4 countries
New research data on civic participation in Slovakia and Central Europe.

news | 17.12.2017 |
Focused on extremism
New IVO research study

news | 11.12.2017 | IVO
Study on "sharp power" of states with authoritarian regimes
The study is the output of the project, which included acivities of analytical centers and individual experts from the USA, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Argentina and Peru.

news | 4.12.2017 |
25 years after division of CSFR and establishment of the independent Slovak Republic and Czech Republic
Common Czecho-Slovak sociological survey

news | 29.11.2017 |
About the role of media in contemporary society at the Human Forum 2017 in Banská Bystrica
IVO analysts discussed how different information sources influence the value and political preferences of the population.

news | 27.11.2017 |
Young people and the risks of extremism
New analytical study

news | 24.11.2017 |
Lecture on contemporary Russia at the Catholic University in Ruzomberok
On Russia’s history, politics and current development.

news | 22.11.2017 |
International conference on democracy in Bratislava
Prominent international scholars took part in the event organized by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Institute for Publc Affairs

news | 18.11.2017 |
Discussion in Trnava on active citizenship in Slovakia and V4 countries
Presentation of findings from new research project.

news | 13.11.2017 |
Exit, Voice or Loyalty? Exploring the views of young people on the European Union, democracy, immigration
Publication analyzing results of survey conducted in V4 countries, Germany and Austria.

news | 10.11.2017 |
What is behind the conspiracy theories?
Seminar for teachers on effective education to democratic citizenship.

news | 9.11.2017 |
Public debate on right-wing extremism in Bratislava
How serious is the threat of extremism in Slovakia?

news | 2.11.2017 |
Introduction of the book Kidnapping. The Black Hole of Democracy in Banská Bystrica
Meeting with readers of new IVO book.

news | 1.11.2017 |
IVO on the regional elections of 2017
IVO analytical outputs related to regional elections 2017.

news | 30.10.2017 |
Public discussion in Nové Zámky
Extremism against civic co-existence – debate in local library

news | 30.10.2017 |
Discussion within the project Strengthening Citizenship in V4 Countries in Bratislava
Expert debate organized by IVO and Institute of European Studies and International Relations.

news | 27.10.2017 |
Celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Institute for Public Affairs
Cultural and social event dedicated to IVO 20th anniversary (1997 – 2017).

news | 26.10.2017 |
Book Fences, Walls, Borders: discussion in Nitra
New book on borders in human entities.

news | 20.10.2017 |
Public debate on civil society and extremism in Banská Štiavnica
Event within the project Focused on Extremism.

news | 10.10.2017 |
Conference on Europe, democracy and extremism
IVO president at international event in Košice.

news | 21.9.2017 | IVO
Introduction of the book Kidnapping. The Black Hole of Democracy in Bratislava
Public introduction of a book by Ľuba Lesná with an accompanying program in Pálffy Palác in Bratislava.

presentation | 14.9.2017 | IVO
Presentation of the book Kidnapping. The Black Hole of Democracy
Grigorij Mesežnikov, Peter Vačok, Ľuba Lesná and others at a presentation of a new IVO book in Artforum in Bratislava.

news | 25.8.2017 | IVO
There is a clear dominance of people's pride of the anti-fascist Slovak National Uprising and its positive assessment
According to IVO poll up to 85% of the adult population of Slovakia think that “the Slovak National Uprising was an expression of the resistance of Slovaks against fascism, and therefore we should be proud of it”.

press release | 11.8.2017 | IVO
Majority of Slovaks are concerned about the rise and spread of extremism
Institute for Public Affairs conducted representative opinion poll about the perception of extremism in Slovak society.

book | 31.7.2017 | IVO
Kidnapping. The Black Hole of Democracy
The aim of this new book is to familiarize the general public of Slovakia with the circumstances of the event which significantly influenced the country’s internal political development in the mid-1990s and later.

news | 8.7.2017 | IVO
IVO at Pohoda 2017 festival
Grigorij Mesežnikov and Katarína Mathernová discussed about populism.

publication | 30.6.2017 | IVO
Chapter in the publication "Unity in Adversity" by IVO analysts
Oľga Gyárfášová and Grigorij Mesežnikov contributed to the new publication Unity in Adversity. Immigration, Minorities and Religion in Europe.

research | 30.6.2017 | IVO
IVO survey on foreign policy orientation of Slovakia’s population
Majority of Slovaks approve EU and NATO membership.

news | 29.6.2017 | IVO
Public debate on extremism in Bardejov
On the process of forming the conditions for the operation of the right-extremist groupings in Slovakia.

news | 28.6.2017 | IVO
Public discussion on extremism in Prešov
On issues related to the activation of radical and right-wing extremist forces in recent times in Slovakia and in the region of Central Europe.

publication | 20.6.2017 | IVO
Publication about right-wing extremism in Slovakia published in German language
Heutiger Rechtsextremismus und Ultranationalismus in der Slowakei: Stand, Trends, Unterstützung.

news | 8.6.2017 | IVO
On terrorism, war and conflicts, role of the media
IVO President Grigorij Mesežnikov attended the 23rd International Golden Beggar Festival, held in Košice.

news | 29.5.2017 | IVO
Discussion about "uncivil" society in Slovakia
Lunch seminar in PDCS in Bratislava.

news | 21.5.2017 | IVO
In Šahy on extremism in Central and Eastern Europe
14th Meeting in Ipeľ River Bank – expert discussions.

conference | 17.5.2017 | IVO
Discussion on populism in foreign policy and positive scenarios for the EU
Conference of Hungarian European Society in Budapest.

analysis | 10.5.2017 | IVO
New studies on extremist and paramilitary organizations in Central European countries
Research project focused on activities of right-wing extremist groups.

research | 3.5.2017 | IVO
Education in informatics as it is seen by young people
What are the biggest mistakes and shortcomings in current IT education as they are seen by the generation that is just entering the labor market.

news | 25.4.2017 | IVO
Escaping the Escape – Europe and the Refugee Crisis
Discussion of foreign experts and presentation of a new publication organized by the Bertelsmann Stiftung and the Institute for Public Affairs.

news | 10.4.2017 | IVO
About populism in the framework of "Dialogue in the middle of Europe"
Discussion at Czech-German conference in Brno.

news | 29.3.2017 | IVO
Where does democracy go?
Grigorij Mesežnikov at a discussion organized by INEKO on perspectives and threads for democracy.

news | 27.3.2017 | IVO
Euroscepticists or Europe’s fans?
Expert Roundtable in Bratislava on the topic European Youth – Skepticists or Fans?

conference | 25.3.2017 | IVO
Manipulation - Disinformation - Mystification?
Grigorij Mesežnikov in Warsaw at discussion on Russia’s propaganda in Europe.

conference | 24.3.2017 | IVO
About Identity, Politics of Memory and Populism
IVO President at expert discussions in Budapest.

interview | 1.2.2017 | The Slovak Spectator
Grigorij Mesežnikov: Society has the tools to prevent the worst from happening
An interview with the president of the Institute for Public Affairs.

presentation | 1.2.2017 | IVO
Presentation of the book Open Country or Impenetrable Fortress?
IVO and Prague office of Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung organized panel discussion and book introduction in Goethe Institute in Bratislava.

publication | 19.1.2017 | IVO
Civil society in Slovakia: Crises, crossroads, challenges
New publication of Institute for Public Affairs.

analysis | 20.12.2016 | IVO
State of Affairs, Trends, Needs and Possibilities for Development of Civil Society in Slovakia
Analytical study from the Institute for Public Affairs, Center for Philanthropy and PDCS.

news | 13.12.2016 | IVO
Public debate on extremism in the Goethe-Institut
Introducing the book Current Right-wing Extremism and Ultranationalism in Slovakia: Situation, Trends, Support to the public.

publication | 13.12.2016 | IVO
Open Country or Impenetrable Fortress? Slovakia, migrants and refugees
New publication of Institute for Public Affairs and Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung.

news | 9.12.2016 | IVO
Panel discussion on migration and refugees at the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences
Introducing the main ideas of the publication Open Country or Impenetrable Fortress? Slovakia, migrants and refugees.

news | 8.12.2016 | IVO
Youth in Cyberspace - Prospects and Risks for Democracy
Institute for Public Affairs presented the research report on young generation’s attitudes towards problems of an e-democracy.

news | 29.11.2016 | IVO
Current Right-Wing Extremism and Ultranationalism in Slovakia
New publication of Institute for Public Affairs with the support of Hanns Seidel Stiftung.

news | 9.11.2016 | IVO
US Election Night 2016 in Bratislava
Panel discussion about the election campaign and the importance of the US presidential election for world development.

news | 28.10.2016 | IVO
On democracy, civil society and Education
President of the Institute for Public Affairs in Bardejov.

news | 26.10.2016 | IVO
Current challenges for Slovakia, the European Union and democracy
Grigorij Mesežnikov at Andrej Kmeť High School in Banská Štiavnica.

news | 22.10.2016 | IVO
Conspiracy discourse in politics
International conference "Ethnology in the 3rd millennium: topics, methods, challenges".

news | 16.10.2016 | IVO
Illiberal and authoritarian trends in development of new democracies
Grigorij Mesežnikov at workshop in Munich.

news | 12.10.2016 | IVO
Presentation of joint publication of four Visegrad think tanks in Brussels
Diverging Voices, Converging Policies: The Visegrad States’ Reactions to the Russia-Ukraine Conflict.

publication | 12.10.2016 | IVO
Analysis of legislation on election campaign financing in Slovakia
New publication of the Institute for Public Affairs.

presentation | 7.10.2016 | HBS, IVO
Invitation: "Diverging Voices, Converging Policies" in Brussels
Presentation of publication Diverging Voices, Converging Policies: The Visegrad States’ Reactions to the Russia-Ukraine Conflict with discussion with authors.

news | 26.9.2016 | IVO
Debate on Europe at international theatre festival
On Slovakia and Europe at the international festival Divadelná Nitra 2016.

analysis | 20.9.2016 | IVO
Tiso's Ghost in 2016 Slovakia
An essay by theologian Miroslav Kocúr on links between the national and Christian extremism in the context of strengthening the political life of Slovakia.

news | 20.9.2016 | IVO
On challenges for Europe in Prague
International conference of the Institute for Politics and Society.

news | 17.9.2016 | IVO
On the EU Summit in Bratislava
On the day of the Summit, Grigorij Mesežnikov commented on progress and context.

news | 30.8.2016 | IVO
Olga Gyarfasova at NED
What happened to liberal democracy in the Visegrad Four countries?

conference | 8.7.2016 | IVO
Discussion about the EU and East Asia at a conference in Taipei
On the challenges that come with the rise of populist and extremist forces.

book | 4.7.2016 | IVO
New publication on Eastern Partnership
Joint product of thinks tank from V-4, Ukraine and Belarus.

news | 17.6.2016 | IVO
On migration, extremism, war, V4 and the media at the Golden Beggar Festival in Košice
IVO's president in two discussion panels and two workshops.

research | 31.5.2016 | IVO
E-Skills and the Labor Market in Slovakia
Institute for Public Affairs' research study on the labor market as seen by the working-age people.

news | 25.5.2016 | IVO
New challanges for the Eastern Partnership
On the processes of democratisation and reforms in the Eastern European countries.

news | 23.5.2016 | IVO
25 Years of the V4 as Seen by the Public - new IVO publication
Institute for Public Affairs has introduced research results and data gathered in four Visegrad countries.

news | 23.5.2016 | IVO
Discussion about the image of the Roma in the Slovak media and the public debate
The harmfullness of the negative stereotypes and the danger of generalisation and prejudices.

news | 20.5.2016 | IVO
Post-election Taiwan and Slovakia before the Presidency in the EU
Expert discussion on a conference in Bratislava.

news | 6.5.2016 | IVO
The current challenges facing Slovakia with the civic association New Generation
IVO analysts on a conference in Bratislava.

news | 29.4.2016 | IVO
IVO at the conference on populism in Prague
Grigorij Mesežnikov and Oľga Gyárfášová at a conference organized by the CEVRO Institute.

news | 28.4.2016 | IVO
Discussion on democracy and oligarchy
Expert panel as a part of the Bratislava Hanus Days 2016.

news | 24.3.2016 | IVO
The Presentation of the book about the response of the V4 countries to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in Prague
Discussion and book introduction in Czech Republic, at the Institute of International Relations.

news | 21.3.2016 | IVO
International conference on campaign financing in municipal elections in Warsaw
Transparency in Local Politics Financing in Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.

news | 18.3.2016 | IVO
The Presentation of a new book in Bratislava
Book introduction followed by a discussion at the library of Goethe Institute.

news | 14.3.2016 | IVO
Presentation of the book about the V4 countries, Ukraine and Russia in Warsaw
Diverging Voices, Converging Policies: The Visegrad States’ Reactions to the Russia-Ukraine Conflict.

news | 24.2.2016 | IVO
Parliamentary Elections 2016: Facts and implications for diplomats
IVO's president on the pre-election developments on the Slovak political scene.

news | 8.2.2016 | IVO
Institute for Public Affairs presentation: Slovakia in 1996, in 2016, and in the future
Press conference of IVO one month before parliamentary elections in 2016.

book | 5.2.2016 | IVO
Slovakia 1995. A Global Report on the State of Society
Digitized e-version of the first Global Report on Slovakia.

publication | 3.2.2016 | IVO
New publication of four Central European think tanks and Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
Diverging Voices, Converging Policies: The Visegrad States’ Reactions to the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

project | 2.2.2016 | IVO
Digital Slovakia – Research Data for Students
Providing students of Slovak universities and colleges professionally prepared and processed data from empirical research on development of "Information society".

news | 8.1.2016 | IVO
Institute for Public Affairs mourns for Anton Srholec
We lost a person, who is a key figure of modern Slovak history – that big one as well as the smaller one.

conference | 14.12.2015 | IVO
Conference on transparency of election campaign
Monitoring of the mayoral elections, expenditures of the candidates and legislative framework were the topics of IVO conference.

book | 14.12.2015 | IVO
New IVO publication on municipal elections
Financing of campaign in elections of mayors of regional centers of Slovakia.

news | 30.11.2015 | IVO
Discussion about Ukraine in the Zichy Palace in Bratislava
Event "The Revolution of Dignity. The Journey to Europe" was devoted to the second anniversary of the Euro-Maidan.

news | 28.11.2015 | IVO
Discussion about Russia in the Danube Cultural Centre
Frontline Club discussion: Putin’s Russia:the domestic political climate and power ambitions

book | 23.11.2015 | IVO
Our new book: Extremism vs. Democracy in Central Europe
Authors from four Visegrad countries have analyzed historical, political, ideological and socio-cultural aspects of extremism.

conference | 20.11.2015 | IVO
International Conference on Extremism in Central Europe
Extremism, its forms and trends in current public discourse.

news | 18.11.2015 | IVO
The results of local election and decentralization of Ukraine
Roundtable discussion in Kiev.

news | 17.11.2015 | IVO
Roundtable on the Eastern Partnership in Kiev
Event "The Belarusian challenge for the European and Ukrainian foreign policy" with participation of IVO president.

news | 14.11.2015 | IVO
Conference "25 years of freedom in Central Europe" in Budapest
Grigorij Mesežnikov and Oľga Gyárfášová on democratic changes in Slovakia from the perspective of the public opinion.

news | 5.11.2015 | IVO
President IVO in the assembly of the World Movement for Democracy in Seoul
8th Global Assembly of the World Movement for Democracy.

news | 31.10.2015 | IVO
Grigorij Mesežnikov at a conference on migration in Budapest
Conference Migration and the European Union: impact assessment.

news | 31.10.2015 | IVO
Discussion with the students from the University of Economics on the developments in Ukraine
Discussion organized by the regional department of the Euro-Atlantic Centre in Bratislava.

news | 30.10.2015 | IVO
School discussions on Extremism
Institute for Public affairs in cooperation with high schools in Slovakia organized a series of discussions with students aged 14 to 18 across Slovakia.

news | 1.10.2015 | IVO
Discussion on cooperation between the EU and Taiwan
An event held together with watching the video conference of the President of Republic of China (Taiwan) with the members of the European Parliament.

28.9.2015 | IVO
Discussion on the Human Dimension in Belarus at the OSCE meeting in Warsaw
An event within the project The Answer to the Eurasian Challenge for Eastern Europe.

project | 7.8.2015 | IVO
Digital literacy in Slovakia 2015
The Institute for Public Affairs has introduced the results of its long-term research project in Bratislava called Digital Literacy in Slovakia 2015. The latest research thus again brings interesting findings about the views of Slovakia’s population vis-à-vis information technologies.

article | 8.7.2015 | IVO
Refugees are not welcome: A brown Saturday in Bratislava
An article written by IVO president Grigorij Mesežnikov.

news | 19.6.2015 | IVO
Poprad's discussion forum on peace in Europe
On the economic and political developments in the EU countries.

news | 9.6.2015 | IVO
Discussion forum on Eastern Partnership in Bratislava
Institute for public Affairs (IVO) hosted experts from Belarus, Ukraine, Russia and Visegrad countries.

news | 1.6.2015 | IVO
In Moldova about EU and ethnic minorities
IVO president participated in European Café discussions.

news | 22.5.2015 | IVO
Statement of analytical centers of Central and Eastern Europe on the prospects of the Eastern Partnership
Document for the EU and EaP countries summit in Riga.

news | 21.5.2015 | IVO
Discussion on the situation in Ukraine at the general assembly of the civic association Bridges
Grigorij Mesežnikov and Michail Kapustin in the Pisztory Palace in Bratislava.

news | 20.5.2015 | IVO
IVO Analysis: Freedom of Media 25 Years After
Defamation and Libel Laws - an analysis of legislative status quo in Slovakia and Europe.

article | 6.5.2015 | The Slovak Spectator
The Váhostav affair is the Gorilla of Smer
IVO president’s article in The Slovak Spectator.

news | 6.5.2015 | IVO
Oľga Gyárfášová and Grigorij Mesežnikov are the authors of the latest European monograph of the radical right
Publication "Transforming the Transformation? The East European radical right in the political process".

4.5.2015 | IVO
MIPEX 2015: Slovakia neglects integration of migrants
Migrant Integration Policy Index 2015 has been launched in Slovakia and IVO as a national partner organized two events in Bratislava.

news | 16.3.2015 | IVO
Presentation of election monitoring results
Transparency of Local Government Elections in Central and Eastern Europe.

news | 27.2.2015 | IVO
Internet Freedom Report 2014: Slovakia
Slovakia ranks second within V4 countries with score 33 of 50.

news | 25.2.2015 | IVO
Discussion on statehood, borders and political extremism
IVO president in one of the series The Private Nationalism.

news | 19.2.2015 | IVO
Discussion on the financing of the political parties in Žilina
An event organised by the civic association Against Corruption in the premises of the cultural facility "Station Žilina-Záriečie".

news | 5.2.2015 | IVO
IVO's position in the Global Go To Think Tank Index Report 2014
The report containes the ranking of the most influential think tanks in the different regions of the world.

interview | 12.1.2015 | spectator.sk
Grigorij Mesežnikov: 2015 will be a pre-election year
An interview with the president of the Institute for Public Affairs.

news | 22.12.2014 | IVO
Season's Greetings
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

news | 22.12.2014 | IVO
IVO BAROMETER: The quality of democracy in the 4th quarter unchanged, the average grade for 2014 worsened to 3.2
Institute for Public Affairs released its democracy barometer on Slovakia.

book | 1.12.2014 | IVO
Institute for Public Affairs released the new book
Ten Years in the Union: Slovak and Czech Way.

25.11.2014 | IVO
V4 countries' experience of reforms and lessons for Ukraine
International conference in Kiev with IVO participation.

news | 20.11.2014 | IVO
Municipal Mock elections in Slovakia: 18,500 high school students could vote in 37 cities
Institute for Public Affairs organized Student Municipal Elections in 72 high schools around Slovakia.

news | 4.11.2014 | IVO
Visegrad Countries and the EU: 10 Years of Membership
IVO president took part in the discussion "Ten years in the EU: Visegrad perspectives and beyond".

news | 14.10.2014 | IVO
IVO BAROMETER: The quality of democracy in the third quarter of 2014 has worsened to 3.2
Institute for Public Affairs released its democracy barometer on Slovakia.

publication | 9.10.2014 | IVO
Conspiracy Theories in Europe: A Compilation
Publication contains analyses and outcomes of the project Combating Conspiracy Theories as Tools for Extremist Political Mobilization.

news | 22.9.2014 | IVO
Local elections 2014 campaign monitoring - training for volunteers in Bratislava
The event embraced the theoretical information about the electoral law and campaign financing and practical tips for the monitoring.

14.7.2014 | The Slovak Spectator
Success based on alliances
IVO president about shifting political strategies in an interview for The Slovak Spectator.

news | 10.7.2014 | IVO
IVO BAROMETER: The quality of Slovak democracy in the second quarter of 2014 is evaluated to 3.1 points
Institute for Public Affairs released its democracy barometer on Slovakia.

news | 7.7.2014 | IVO
Zora Bútorová spoke at TED-x conference in Bratislava
"Active Ageing is not just an empty word".

news | 23.6.2014 | IVO
Extremism and the Role of Media
Debate on the international TV festival in Košice.

news | 20.6.2014 | The Slovak Spectator
IVO president comments for The Slovak Spectator
Grigorij Mesežnikov on the former and the new president of Slovakia.

news | 21.5.2014 | IVO
IVO on 2014 European Elections in Slovakia
Articles, reports, interviews, commentaries on the EU Elections of 2014 and news from the IVO projects on the topic.

news | 21.5.2014 | IVO
Zora Bútorová took part in a discussion on gender equality in Sweden and Slovakia
Panel discussion about the challenges and benefits of gender equality at work and at home and about the importance of active fatherhood.

news | 19.5.2014 | IVO
European elections are approaching. Did you already try EUVOX?
IVO recommends this EU-wide voting advice application.

news | 16.5.2014 | IVO
Thousands of high school students participated in European mock elections
Institute for Public Affairs organized Student European Elections in 62 high schools around Slovakia.

news | 7.5.2014 | IVO
Presentation of the publication on political parties' financing in Slovakia
Grigorij Mesežnikov, an author of the book, characterized the current state and key trends in financing of political parties.

news | 30.4.2014 | IVO
Debate on Visegrad and European identity
IVO president took part in the Ralph Dahrendorf round table in Budapest.

news | 16.4.2014 | IVO
IVO BAROMETER: The quality of democracy in the first quarter of 2014 has worsened to 3.2
Institute for Public Affairs released its democracy barometer on Slovakia.

news | 28.3.2014 | IVO
Meeting and discussion with ambassadors of the EU member states
Two days before the second round of the presidential elections Grigorij Mesežnikov took part in a discussion at the Embassy of Greece.

news | 11.3.2014 | IVO
Mock Presidential Elections: 7.644 voting students from 53 high schools in Slovakia
Institute for Public Affairs organized pilot nationwide Student Presidential Elections.

news | 6.3.2014 | IVO
Grigorij Mesežnikov at meeting with members of the Diplomatic Club
IVO president debated with foreign diplomats about presidential elections 2014.

news | 20.2.2014 | IVO
PASOS’ statement on tragic events in Ukraine
IVO endorsed the second PASOS' statement which demands EU to send immediately a high-level envoy to Ukraine, backed up by experienced mediators from member states.

news | 28.1.2014 | IVO
IVO endorsed the joint statement of PASOS members on situation in Ukraine
"It is time for EU diplomacy to move into high gear to prevent further escalation of the internal conflict in Ukraine."

news | 20.1.2014 | IVO
Institute for Public Affairs is a partner of the project MIPEX 2015
A project Integration policies: Who benefits? The development and use of indicators in integration debates.

news | 14.1.2014 | IVO
IVO BAROMETER: Quality of democracy in the 4th quarter of 2013 worsened to 3,1
Institute for Public Affairs released its democracy barometer on Slovakia.

news | 7.1.2014 | IVO
Social situation of marginalized Roma households
Two publications which represent outputs of a IVO project Data collection and monitoring of social and economic threats in marginalized communities.

news | 27.12.2013 | IVO
Conspiratorial mindset in the age of transition
New analytical paper as a result of teamwork of experts from the UK, Hungary and Slovakia.

news | 23.12.2013 | IVO
The impact of European integration on democratic transformation of Slovakia and Ukraine
IVO and PASOS published study written by Maria Zolkina, expert of the Kiev-based think tank Democratic Initiatives Foundation.

news | 6.12.2013 | IVO
International conference on current issues of the world economy and politics
IVO president spoke at the conference in Smolenice.

book | 5.12.2013 | IVO
New IVO book: The Fourth Dimension of the Third Age. Ten Chapters on Active Ageing
The authors of the publication offer a sociological perspective to help better understanding of the importance of active ageing in Slovakia.

news | 4.12.2013 | IVO
Twenty years of reforms in the Czech Republic and in Slovakia
IVO on a conference organized by Civic Institute (Prague) in Čejkovice.

news | 3.12.2013 | IVO
Bridges of Tolerance in Bratislava
Public debate on roots and features of contemporary anti-Semitism.

news | 29.11.2013 | IVO
Poland and Slovakia after 25 years of systemic transformation
Institute for Public Affairs and the Embassy of the Republic of Poland organized a panel discussion in Bratislava.

news | 27.11.2013 | IVO
Conference on the enemies of freedom in Budapest
Event organized by think-tank Political Capital Institute and magazine Szombat.

news | 31.10.2013 | IVO
IVO comments on parliamentary elections and negotiations about new government
IVO experts follow current developments in the Czech Republic.

news | 31.10.2013 | IVO
About electoral law in Slovakia
IVO experts participated on a panel discussion How electoral system effects political and social reality?

news | 23.10.2013 | IVO
IVO BAROMETER: Quality of democracy in the third quarter of 2013
Institute for Public Affairs released its democracy barometer on Slovakia.

article | 22.10.2013 | IVO
Conspiracy ideas in Slovakia. A new article on Deconspirator.com
An analysis carried out by the president of the Institute for Public Affairs Grigorij Mesežnikov.

news | 16.10.2013 | IVO
Seminar on new political parties in Prague
Discussion of IVO analysts with colleagues from V4 countries.

news | 12.10.2013 | IVO
Visegrad Group, Eastern Partnership and Ukraine
Commentary for Ukrainian agency UKRINFORM on Visegrad group countries‘ stances before the EU summit in Vilnius.

book | 1.10.2013 | IVO
New IVO Book: From Where To Where. Twenty Years of Independence
Sixty-one authors of the book deal with developments encountered by Slovak and Czech societies after division of Czechoslovakia.

interview | 30.9.2013 | The Slovak Spectator
IVO sociologist comments on upcoming regional (VÚC) elections
An interview with The Slovak Spectator.

news | 29.9.2013 | IVO
Oľga Gyárfášová and Grigorij Mesežnikov co-authors of a book about right-wing and national populist parties in Europe
Centre for European Studies (CES) and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) released their new publication Exposing the Demagogues.

news | 26.9.2013 | IVO
Visit of Cuban activists in IVO
A debate about human rights, democracy and reforms.

article | 26.9.2013 | IVO
Article on "Hungarian threat" as conspiracy stereotype
Deconspirator.com has published new analysis written by IVO president Grigorij Mesežnikov.

news | 11.9.2013 | IVO
Invitation: FORUM 2000 panel discussion in Bratislava
Institute for Public Affairs (IVO) and FORUM 2000 invite you to the panel discussion "Slovak Path": Lessons for Democrats (and Autocrats).

article | 21.8.2013 | IVO
Two new IVO articles: On the demand for right-wing extremist politics and on the public opinion survey on conspiracy theories
New analyses published on Deconspirator.com carried out by the IVO president Grigorij Mesežnikov and sociologist Oľga Gyárfášová.

news | 1.8.2013 | IVO
In Tbilisi about social reforms and European integration
IVO president took part in international conference on the European future of South Caucasus.

news | 22.7.2013 | IVO
IVO Barometer: The quality of democracy in Slovakia for the first two quarters of 2013
Institute for Public Affairs released its democracy barometer on Slovakia.

news | 17.6.2013 | IVO
Debate on politics and media
IVO president took part in the International Festival of Local Televisions in Košice.

news | 27.5.2013 | IVO
About the crisis and social-economic reforms in Budapest
IVO president at international workshop.

news | 27.5.2013 | IVO
Lecture-seminar course delivered by IVO experts at the Faculty of Education of János Selye University in Komárno
Institute for Public Affairs realized a project called IVO expertise for improvement of the content of university education.

news | 1.5.2013 | IVO
Think-tanks and public policies in Slovakia
Seminar about the role of independent analytical centers in public policies.

publication | 29.4.2013 | IVO, ALDE
New publications on liberal politics and liberal policies in Central Europe
IVO’s experts contributed to the publication.

book | 17.4.2013 | IVO
Slovakia 2012. Trends in Quality of Democracy
The Institute for Public Affairs has issued a new book in English.

news | 16.4.2013 | IVO
IVO experts on the press conference on the election results
Presentation of a recent publication of the Institute of Sociology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences.

news | 8.4.2013 | IVO
Levoča forum on clean politics
IVO president spoke about fight against corruption and clientelism in politics and enforcement of principles of transparency in public life.

presentation | 4.4.2013 | IVO
Presentation of book "Alternative Politics" in Bratislava
Institute for Public Affairs introduced its new publication.

book | 3.4.2013 | IVO
Alternative Politics? The Rise of New Political Parties in Central Europe
New book by the Institute for Public Affairs.

publication | 2.4.2013 | IVO
Democratization and civil society development in Taiwan
Grigorij Mesežnikov’s study on remarkable experience in an East Asian country.

news | 18.3.2013 | IVO, The Slovak Spectator
The wartime Slovak state in the collective memory of Slovak society
New survey reveals ignorance of Holocaust.

15.3.2013 |
IVO experts are co-authors of the publication about Slovak parliamentary elections 2012
Book of the Institute of Sociology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAV) on early parliamentary elections.

article | 26.2.2013 | IVO, SGI News
Eastern Europe's Path to Democracy – an article by Oľga Gyárfášová at SGI News
SGI News portal released an article written by IVO sociologist.

news | 25.2.2013 | IVO
Debate on the state of democracy in Theater Ticho a spol.
Grigorij Meseznikov in Ľuba Lesná’s talk-show.

news | 20.2.2013 | IVO
In Brussels on liberal politics in Central Europe
IVO's president on the conference in Free University Brussels.

news | 15.2.2013 | IVO
PASOS opens call for Ilko Kucheriv Democracy Fellowship Programme
Mentoring, networking opportunities and assisting the advancement of democratic practices.

news | 9.2.2013 | IVO
IVO president in Yerevan
Slovak experiences as an object of study for Armenian NGO.

article | 6.2.2013 | IVO
EU as a tool of global conspiracy? A new article on Deconspirator.com
An analysis carried out by the president of the Institute for Public Affairs Grigorij Mesežnikov.

news | 2.2.2013 | IVO
Colloquium in Paris about 20 years after the split of Czechoslovak federation
IVO president participated in colloquium about the impacts of Czechoslovakia’s break-up.

news | 22.1.2013 | IVO
Quality of democracy in Slovakia: IVO BAROMETER in the fourth quarter of 2012 – overall grade 2.8
Institute for Public Affairs released its democracy barometer on Slovakia.

news | 1.1.2013 | IVO
IVO experts on the 20th anniversary of independent Slovakia and Czech Republic
At the beginning of 2013, some media have published results of a sociological research made by the Institute for Public Affairs.

news | 5.12.2012 | IVO
IVO president at a conference in Taipei
Speakers from Taiwan, India, Malaysia, Singapore and 8 EU countries discussed the issues of traditional and new security, the Euro crisis, social security, immigration, minority policy and Europe-Asia relations.

news | 26.11.2012 | IVO
Conference on the Role of Civil Society in European Integration Processes
International Center for Human Development (ICHD) organized an international conference in Yerevan.

news | 6.11.2012 | IVO
Martin Butora comments US presidential elections
According to IVO honorary president, the election campaign was missing big visions but it doesn’t mean that the battle was less attractive.

article | 6.11.2012 | IVO, Political Capital
Grigorij Mesežnikov's articles now on Deconspirator.com
Deconspirator.com has published an analysis of the context of the Slovak responses to the tragedy in Oslo and Utoya.

news | 25.10.2012 | IVO
Social Responsibility of the Media
Institute for Public Affairs, Slovak Donors Forum and International Press Institute Slovakia organized a panel discussion in Bratislava, an event within the FORUM 2000 conference.

news | 20.10.2012 | IVO
Martin Butora at the World Movement for Democracy Assembly in Peru
Honorary president of IVO at a workshop Enhancing the Policy impact of Democracy research.

news | 16.10.2012 | IVO
Quality of democracy in Slovakia: IVO BAROMETER in the third quarter of 2012
Institute for Public Affairs released its democracy barometer on Slovakia.

seminar | 27.9.2012 | IVO
Liberalism and Liberal Politics in Central Europe: Value and Cultural Ethical Issues
Institute for Public Affairs with the European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party organized an international workshop in Bratislava.

news | 24.9.2012 | IVO
Discussion about the exhibition The Interrupted Song (Prerušená pieseň)
Foundation for Contemporary Slovak Arts and Cyprián Majerník Gallery organized discussion about exhibition The Interrupted Song installed by the Slovak National Gallery.

news | 19.9.2012 | IVO
Experts of the Institute for Public Affairs co-authored several publications released by international publishers
In 2012 IVO’s experts contributed to several international publications.

news | 13.9.2012 | IVO, GMF US
IVO - Partner of the Transatlantic Trends 2012
Presentation of a survey of opinions of the American and the European publics on the wide range of foreign-political issues in Bratislava.

conference | 12.9.2012 | IVO
Alternative politics? The rise of new political formations in Central Europe: reasons, factors, consequences
An international conference organized by the Institute for Public Affairs.

research | 23.7.2012 | IVO
Slovak Judiciary as Seen by the Public, Experts, and Judges
The fourth output of the IVO project.

news | 12.7.2012 | IVO
IVO BAROMETER in the second quarter of 2012: quality of democracy remained unchanged
Institute for Public Affairs released its democracy barometer on Slovakia.

news | 5.6.2012 | IVO
Defining the underlying weaknesses of liberal parties at a conference in Prague
IVO president at a conference in Czech Republic.

news | 23.5.2012 | IVO
Miroslav Kollár on the social responsibility of the media
Conference on corporate social responsibility organized by IVO, IPI and FD.

news | 16.5.2012 | IVO
A conference in Sofia on liberal politics in the realm of interethnic relations
Grigorij Mesežnikov at a workshop on liberal policies in Bulgaria.

news | 16.5.2012 | IVO
IVO BAROMETER: Quality of democracy in the 1st quarter-year of 2012: decline to 2,8
Institute for Public Affairs released its democracy barometer on Slovakia.

research | 2.5.2012 | IVO
Slovak Judiciary as Seen by the Public, Experts, and Judges
The third output of the IVO project.

news | 21.4.2012 | IVO
Political mobilization addressed at a conference in Wroclaw
IVO president attended a conference on liberal parties in Central Europe.

research | 28.3.2012 | IVO
Social Network Sites in Slovakia
IVO introduces results of representative survey on the usage of social network sites on the internet. The project was supported by Telecom Endowment Fund in co-operation with the Pontis Foundation.

research | 27.3.2012 |
Digital Literacy in Slovakia 2011
IVO's representative sociologic survey on population's digital skills available at IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

news | 7.3.2012 | IVO
IVO experts attended talks in Žilina
Oľga Gyárfášová and Grigorij Mesežnikov about the forthcoming early parliamentary elections.

news | 4.3.2012 | IVO
IVO analysts discussed the forthcoming elections in Prešov
Grigorij Mesežnikov a Oľga Gyárfášová attended two pre-election discussions.

news | 2.3.2012 | IVO
Work and Active Ageing in Public Perception
Zora Bútorová spoke at an international workshop.

news | 27.2.2012 | IVO
Grigorij Mesežnikov and Oľga Gyárfášová lectured at the Catholic University in Ružomberok
IVO analysts with the students and pedagogues at the Faculty of Philosophy.

news | 22.2.2012 | IVO
IVO experts in Komárno
About the political situation in Slovakia before the March parliamentary elections.

news | 19.2.2012 | IVO
Oľga Gyárfášová and Grigorij Mesežnikov on the discussion in Banská Bystrica
A discussion on the topic Slovak society before the election 2012: Where are we, where are we going?

news | 9.2.2012 | IVO
IVO BAROMETER at the end of 2011: The quality of democracy during the second half of the year has remained unchanged.
Institute for Public Affairs released its democracy barometer on Slovakia.

news | 3.2.2012 | IVO
IVO analysts contributed to the European publication about migration and integration
IVO analysts Oľga Gyárfášová, Martina Sekulová, and Miroslava Hlinčíková wrote a chapter for the EU-wide publication Opening the Door? Immigration and Integration in the European Union.

news | 18.1.2012 | IVO
Slovak Judiciary as Seen by the Public, Experts, and Judges
The second output of the IVO project.

news | 9.1.2012 | IVO, The Slovak Spectator
Grigorij Mesežnikov on Major Political Issues in 2012
The Slovak Spectator released an interview with IVO president.

news | 6.1.2012 | IVO
Martin Butora: Tribute to Vaclav Havel
His departure marks the end of an era.

news | 2.1.2012 | IVO
IVO is a Partner in the Ilko Kucheriv Democracy Partnership Program Fellowships
Institute for Public Affairs will host a Russian expert.

news | 15.12.2011 | IVO
In Kiev on EU membership of Slovakia
IVO President attended an expert debate in the capital of Ukraine.

book | 14.12.2011 | IVO
Slovakia 1996-2010. Global Reports on the State of Society.
The Institute for Public Affairs has prepared a unique summary release of all Global Reports in electronic format on one medium.

news | 6.12.2011 | IVO
IVO at the international conference My Hero, Your Enemy: Listening to Understand
Within the conference the findings of the public opinion surveys about the historical memory in V4 countries have been presented.

news | 6.12.2011 | IVO
The integration experience of Slovakia
Lecture and discussion for a group of Ukrainian experts.

news | 17.11.2011 | IVO
The Slovakia 1996 – 2010 DVD: in-depth knowledge of Slovakia’s transformation
Set of all our Global Reports helps preserve the memory of Slovakia’s development since mid-1990s.

news | 8.11.2011 | IVO
IVO on the CEFRES conference in Prague
IVO president discussed the contexts of populist policies in Central Europe.

news | 5.11.2011 | IVO
IVO analysts at the international seminar in Bratislava
On Liberalism in the 21st century in Slovakia and Europe.

research | 19.10.2011 | IVO
Slovak Judiciary as Seen by the Public, Experts, and Judges
The first output of a new IVO project.

news | 6.10.2011 | IVO
International conference in Prague with the participation of IVO president
Grigorij Mesežnikov on the financing of political parties in Slovakia.

news | 5.10.2011 | IVO
Slovak-Austrian Conference on Regional Cooperation
IVO president Grigorij Mesežnikov in Hainburg an der Donau.

news | 5.10.2011 | IVO
At the Central European University about the radical right in Central Europe
Grigorij Mesežnikov attended an international conference in Budapest.

news | 20.9.2011 | IVO
IVO - Partner of the Transatlantic Trends 2011
Presentation of a survey of opinions of the American and the European publics on the wide range of foreign-political issues in Bratislava.

news | 14.9.2011 | IVO
Migrants in the Slovak labor market. Problems and Perspectives.
New IVO Study on economic aspects of migration and integration of the third country nationals in Slovakia.

news | 12.9.2011 | IVO
NGO experts prepare two studies on civil society in Slovakia
IVO, CpF and PDCS are collaborating on a research project analyzing current state and trends in the development of civil society.

news | 10.9.2011 | IVO
The terrorist attacks of 9/11 remembered
Honorary President of IVO and former Ambassador to the United States Martin Bútora speaks about the September 11 attacks for the media.

news | 10.8.2011 | IVO, TASR
Grigorij Mesežnikov Comments for the News Agency of the Slovak Republic
IVO president analyzes Slovak political parties’ stances on financial safety nets for eurozone.

news | 25.7.2011 | IVO, The Slovak Spectator
Slovakia's democracy marks improve
The Slovak Spectator released an article about the latest IVO BAROMETER.

news | 25.7.2011 | IVO
Institute for Public Affairs expressed strong condemnation of the attacks in Oslo
A letter sent to the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Bratislava.

book | 20.7.2011 | IVO
Slovakia 2010. A report on the State of Society and Democracy and Trends for 2011
The Institute for Public Affairs has issued a new book.

news | 20.7.2011 | IVO
Press conference and presentation of the book "Slovakia 2010. A report on the State of Society and Democracy and Trends for 2011"
The 14th volume among IVO’s flagship book series is now available for the public.

news | 19.7.2011 | IVO, TASR
IVO BAROMETER in the First Half-year of 2011
Institute for Public Affairs released its democracy barometer on Slovakia.

news | 18.7.2011 | IVO
Oľga Gyárfášová about the continual emerging of new political parties
IVO analyst made an interview for the news portal www.sk1.sk.

news | 12.7.2011 | PASSOS
Call for Fellows – Ilko Kucheriv Democracy Fellowship Programme
Mentoring and networking opportunities for fellows from the CIS countries.

news | 30.6.2011 | IVO, TA3
IVO: The First Year of Iveta Radičová´s Government
Grigorij Mesežnikov in session broadcast “Analysis and Trends“ in television TA3.

news | 16.6.2011 | IVO
Seminar on Taiwan´s position in world politics
Authority of Taiwan (Republic of China) in the world and the prospects for Slovak-Taiwanese relations discussed.

news | 10.6.2011 | IVO
Péter Hunčík, member of The Board of Directors of IVO, presented his Novel “The Borderline Case”
The book was introduced by Martin Bútora and Zora Bútorová.

news | 10.6.2011 | IVO
Visegrad Cooperation after 20 years
IVO on the International festival of local broadcasters ”Golden Beggar“ in Košice.

news | 10.6.2011 | IVO
Martin Bútora spoke on The Central European Symposium in London
The discussion was devoted to the political participation of citizens, especially the youth.

presentation | 8.6.2011 | IVO
Presentation of the book “Slovak Elections 10“ in Artforum, Bratislava
The premiere of the publication together with a discussion “Chance for a change – a year after…”

news | 7.6.2011 | IVO
Zora Bútorová and Martin Bútora on the 8th "Meeting in Poiplie" in Šahy
Politics, issues of gender equality, and identity challenges of the 21st century were topics of a marathon discussion.

book | 6.6.2011 | IVO
Slovakia 2010. Trends in Quality of Democracy
The Institute for Public Affairs has issued a new book in English.

news | 3.6.2011 | IVO
About NGOs and democratization
Grigorij Mesežnikov spoke at the seminar "Transformation Experience of the Slovak Republic".

news | 31.5.2011 | IVO
Language competence of Slovak population: German language in comparison with other languages
Institute for Public Affairs presented results of a survey.

news | 30.5.2011 | IVO
IVO at the conference The Gains and Benefits of Care Services
The broader social context of policies aimed at the harmonization of work, family and personal life was discussed.

news | 30.5.2011 | IVO
Slovakia one year after elections
Discussion on the Bratislava Current Affairs Forum.

news | 25.5.2011 | IVO
IVO participated in the scientific publication on citizenship, participation and deliberation
Presentation of a new book issued by the Slovak Academy of Sciences.

news | 25.5.2011 | IVO
Grigorij Mesežnikov at the meeting of judges
On the developments in Slovakia‘s judicial system since 1989.

news | 19.5.2011 | IVO
IVO at the conference UNITED for Intercultural Action
Discussions about a battle against nationalism in Europe.

news | 13.5.2011 | IVO
Debate "Are we threatened by crisis of public trust?"
Panel discussion in the Polish Institute with IVO analysts.

news | 13.5.2011 | IVO, FPRI
Institute for Public Affairs in the ranking of "Global Go-To Think Tanks 2010"
IVO in the annual report from the Foreign Policy Research Institute.

book | 11.5.2011 | IVO
Slovak Elections ‘10: A Chance for a Change
The Institute for Public Affairs has issued a book about the last year's parliamentary elections in Slovakia.

news | 6.5.2011 | IVO
MIPEX III - Evaluation of Migrants Integration Policies
Institute for public Affairs was a national partner of the project.

analysis | 5.5.2011 | IVO
Female Migrants and Male Migrants in the labor market in Slovakia – Identification and overcoming the discrimination barriers
New study from the Institute for Public Affairs.

news | 3.5.2011 | IVO, SITA
Survey on Labor Migration in Slovakia
Project was focused on the mapping of economic aspects of migration and integration.

news | 21.4.2011 | IVO, TASR, The Slovak Spectator
IVO survey finds rising distrust in politicians
According to a public opinion poll by IVO, Robert Fico remains the most popular politician, but the trust towards PM Iveta Radičová has increased.

news | 20.4.2011 | IVO
Analysis of the first half-year of the center-right government
Grigorij Mesežnikov published his article in the German periodical KAS International Reports.

news | 8.4.2011 | IVO
IVO at a seminar in Sarajevo
Preparation and implementation of effective communication strategies in preparation for joining NATO.

news | 4.4.2011 | IVO
Discussion and book presentation in Prague
Premiere of the book Visegrad Elections 2010: Domestic Impact and European Consequences in the capital of Czech Republic.

news | 24.3.2011 | IVO
Seminars on human rights and discrimination
Two analysts from IVO, Oľga Gyárfášová and Martina Sekulová, lectured in Veľký Meder.

news | 22.3.2011 | IVO
Martin Bútora and Zora Bútorová Attended Symposiums in Cedar Rapids and Ann Arbor
IVO analysts attended expert meetings in the USA.

interview | 22.3.2011 | IVO
President of IVO evaluates current development in Slovakia
Grigorij Mesežnikov gave an interview about the current political topics for the weekly Csallóköz (Rye Island).

presentation | 17.3.2011 | IVO
Voters of center-right parties in Slovakia and the EU membership
The study is focused on voters of the center-right parties in Slovakia and their perception of the EU membership.

news | 15.3.2011 | IVO
Discussion about the State-Church Relations
On the historical and current socio-political contexts in discussion organized by the Open Society Foundation Bratislava.

news | 15.3.2011 | IVO
Grigorij Mesežnikov on a workshop NOS - OSF
On right-wing tendencies with young journalists from CEE countries.

news | 14.3.2011 | IVO
Grigorij Meseznikov with students in Dunajska Streda
President IVO lectured and debated with students from the Ladislav Dúbrava school and private secondary high school in Dunajska Streda.

news | 10.3.2011 | IVO
Wrocław: Workshop on Liberalism and Liberal Politics
Grigorij Mesežnikov on liberal parties and liberal politics in CEE countries during and after 20 years of society’s transformation.

news | 4.3.2011 | IVO
Book "Visegrad Elections 2010" premiere in Bratislava
Discussion on the political, economic and foreign policy implications of the 2010 elections in four European countries.

book | 15.2.2011 | IVO
Visegrad Elections 2010: Domestic Impact and European Consequences
The Institute for Public Affairs has issued a new book in English.

news | 8.2.2011 | IVO
Slovakia: Two Decades of Freedom
Martin Bútora and Zora Bútorová published their articles in the American journal Slovo.

news | 7.2.2011 | IVO
Reissue of the Comprehensive Publication on the EU Countries’ Political Systems
Author of the chapter on the political system of Slovakia is Grigorij Mesežnikov.

news | 1.2.2011 | IVO
IVO BAROMETER: Quality of democracy in the 4th quarter-year of 2010
Institute for Public Affairs released its democracy barometer on Slovakia.

news | 31.1.2011 | IVO
IVO analysts at the Train Station Žilina - Záriečie
A discussion of various contemporary issues.

news | 28.1.2011 | IVO
Martin Butora on two years of Barack Obama's governance
Rating a policy of American president and comment about Obama's massage about the state of the Union.

news | 27.1.2011 | IVO
Grigorij Mesežnikov Participated in the Conference On the Judiciary in Visegrad Countries
The conference was organized by the Open Society Foundation in Bratislava and the “For Open Judiciary” Initiative.

news | 19.1.2011 | IVO
Ben Stanley completed his post-doc fellowship at IVO
The Institute for Public Affairs has been hosting a British expert.

news | 18.1.2011 | IVO, Slovak Sociological Review
IVO´s publication reviewed
An article about the book "Slovakia Votes. European and Presidential Elections in 2009".

interview | 18.1.2011 | IVO, Profiľ
Grigorij Mesežnikov about transformation experience of Slovakia in the Ukrainian magazine
An extensive interview with IVO president.

research | 2.1.2011 | IVO
The most urgent social problem is unemployment
Institute for Public Affairs issued a sociological research report.

analysis | 3.12.2010 | IVO
The Atlanticism of Slovaks on the Rise
Oľga Gyárfášová and Zora Bútorová explore Transatlantic Trends 2010.

interview | 29.10.2010 | The Slovak Spectator
Grigorij Mesežnikov: Why Bad Laws Remain
Interview about the first 100 days of Iveta Radičová’s government.

news | 25.10.2010 | IVO
Better democracy in Slovakia?
IVO Barometer Survey Released.

news | 9.9.2010 | IVO
European Web Site on Integration
Institute for Public Affairs recommends this web portal.

news | 19.7.2010 | IVO
Survey gives Slovakia’s democracy a mediocre grade
IVO evaluates the trends in quality of democracy in Slovakia in April, May and June 2010.

news | 9.7.2010 | IVO
International Seminar on Elections in Visegrad Countries
Political and Sociological analyses of the election results in Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia.

presentation | 17.6.2010 | IVO
Second Wind Book Premiere
The Institute for Public Affairs and Kalligram Publishing House introduce the newest book of Martin Bútora.

news | 10.6.2010 | IVO
Slovakia Twenty Years After the First Free Elections and Two Days Before the Seventh Free Parliamentary Elections
Premiere of the book Where Are We? in Zilina.

news | 7.6.2010 | IVO
Discussions between Members of the Levoča Forum and the Authors of the Book Where Are We? Mental Maps of Slovakia
IVO’s research analysts at the Levoca Forum.

news | 31.5.2010 | IVO
Karel Schwarzenberg, Petr Pithart, Milan Horáček, Slavomír Michálek at the IVO Publications Conference in Prague
Premiere of the book Where Are We? Mental Maps of Slovakia in the capital of Czech Republic.

news | 24.5.2010 | IVO
A Seminar on Multiple Discrimination
The Institute for Public Affairs organizes seminars on discrimination in Slovak cities.

news | 20.5.2010 | TASR
IVO: Fico's Government Has Worsened Socio-economic Situation
The current Government has worsened the situation in Slovakia since it was sworn in four years ago, according to a Global Report on State of Society in Slovakia 2009.

news | 14.5.2010 | IVO
The Institute for Public Affairs Published Slovakia 2009. A Global Report on the State of Society and Trends for 2010
The 13th volume among IVO’s flagship book series is now available for the public.

article | 28.4.2010 | IVO
Remembering 20 years
Interesting fragments from Slovakia’s celebration of the 20th anniversary of November 1989 keep appearing in public even now, nearly six months after the country marked the Velvet Revolution.

news | 20.4.2010 | IVO
Martin Bútora Comments on Foreign Affairs News
Overview of the recent news by the IVO expert.

news | 15.4.2010 | IVO
IVO BAROMETER in the First Quarter of 2010
Analysts from the Institute for Public Affairs assessed the development of the quality of democracy.

news | 15.4.2010 | SITA, IVO
IVO: Quality of Democracy in Slovakia is not Improving
The quality of democracy in Slovakia has not been improving, stated the President of Public Affairs Institute Grigorij Meseznikov.

news | 14.4.2010 | IVO
Migration, Integration and the Society
Projects of the Institute for Public Affairs focused on migration and integration.

project | 15.3.2010 | IVO
IVO hosted a group of Ukrainian journalists
Form March 8 thru March 13 Institute for Public Affairs (IVO) hosted four prestigious Ukrainian journalists.

news | 12.3.2010 | IVO
Slovakia Facing the 2010 Parliamentary Elections
IVO presented its most recent survey Slovakia before the 2010 Elections.

news | 19.2.2010 | IVO
European Web Site on Integration
IVO as the local coordinator of the project The European Web Site on Integration.

news | 18.2.2010 | IVO
A Working Paper on the Indicators of Migrants’ Integration Published by IVO
Outcome Output of the project International Exchange of Experiences in Utilizing Indicators of Integration.

news | 18.2.2010 | IVO
IVO and PASOS published a publication discussing public evaluation of democratic transformation in the V4 countries
PASOS and IVO released a policy paper written by IVO analysts Zora Bútorová and Oľga Gyárfášová.

news | 18.2.2010 | IVO
A new beginning? Democracy support in EU external relations under the Lisbon Treaty
PASOS released policy brief A new beginning? Democracy support in EU external relations under the Lisbon Treaty.

news | 1.2.2010 | IVO
IVO Presented the Book Where Are We? Mental Maps of Slovakia
A Pivotal publication reflecting upon the 20 years since the fall of communism.

news | 25.1.2010 | IVO
IVO released its democracy barometer on Slovakia
Analysts assessed the development of the quality of democracy in the Fourth Quarter of 2009.

news | 7.1.2010 | IVO
IVO a Partner in the Electoral Democracy Project
The Institute for Public Affairs hosts a British expert and researcher Benjamin Stanley.

conference | 11.12.2009 | IVO
Conference Return to Europe
IVO analysts, Grigorij Mesežnikov and Oľga Gyárfášová have attended a prestigious conference „Return to Europe.

news | 9.11.2009 | IVO
IVO organized a press meeting “Back to Europe”
IVO informed about the outcomes of comparative research on how citizens of Visegrad Four perceive the political development after the year 1989.

news | 2.11.2009 | IVO
G. Mesežnikov appeared on a conference about national populism
G. Mesežnikov presented his paper on national populism and nature of state.

research | 17.8.2009 | IVO
IVO: Most Citizens Concerned over Unsettled Murder of Daniel Tupy
The fact that the police have not yet closed Daniel Tupy murder case and failed to find his murderer(s) four years after the crime happened is a reason for concern for 66 percent of Slovakia’s inhabitants.

news | 6.8.2009 | IVO
Most Citizens Concerned about Tension in Relations with Hungary
A great portion of Slovakia’s citizens feel concerns over tension in relations between Bratislava and Budapest.

research | 5.8.2009 | IVO
IVO survey finds most Slovaks think anti-crisis measures are not enough
More than half of the citizens of Slovakia think that the government’s package of anti-crisis measures are not enough.

news | 31.7.2009 | IVO
Slovaks Concerned over Unemployment and Financial Prospects
Majority of Slovak citizens are concerned over rising unemployment as well as financial outlook of their households.

news | 31.7.2009 | IVO
PM Fico: IVO survey aimed to help opposition parties
Fico responded that the IVO survey on the degree of corruption as perceived by Slovakia's public is absolutely untrustworthy.

research | 31.7.2009 | IVO
74% of Slovaks concerned about corruption in government
Survey carried out by the Institute for Public Affairs from July 1-7 on a sample of 1,017 people aged over 18.

interview | 13.7.2009 | IVO
IVO president comments on chances of the newly established Slovak-Hungarian party Most-Hid (Bridge)
Grigorij Mesežnikov‘s interview to SITA news agency about factors of possible success of new political formation.

news | 6.7.2009 | IVO
IVO BAROMETER: Quality of democracy in the 2nd quarter-year of 2009: decline to 3,3
Compared to the evaluation of IVO Barometer for the 1st quarter-year, the overall mark worsened by 0,2 point in the 2nd quarter-year.

conference | 30.4.2009 | IVO
International conference Poverty, Inequality, and Democracy in Bratislava

news | 23.4.2009 | IVO
Zora Bútorová presented the book She and He in Slovakia: Gender and Age in the Period of Transition at the Visegrad Parlor
The event was organized by the Bratislava-based Hungarian Cultural Institute in cooperation with the Czech Center and the Polish Institute.

news | 22.4.2009 | IVO
IVO BAROMETER: Quality of democracy in the 1st quarter-year of 2009 remained unchanged - 3,1
Compared to the evaluation of IVO Barometer for the 4th quarter-year of 2008, the overall mark remained unchanged in the 1st quarter-year of 2009.

book | 10.4.2009 | IVO
New IVO book on quality of democracy in Slovakia
Institute for Public Affairs issued a new publication Slovakia 2008. Trends in Quality of Democracy.

news | 8.4.2009 | IVO
She and He Still Not Equal
In her interview published in The Slovak Spectator, Zora Bútorová, the chief author of the book She and He in Slovakia. Gender and Age in the Period of Transition, discusses gender and age-based inequalities and Slovakia’s degree of readiness for a female president.

interview | 7.4.2009 | IVO
IVO president´s commentary about Ivan Gašparovič’s victory in presidential elections
Grigorij Mesežnikov comments on the results of presidential elections for The Slovak Spectator weekly.

news | 3.4.2009 | IVO
Plus for Women 45+ (2005 – 2008)
Institute for Public Affairs (IVO) has issued a CD summarizing the results of the project Plus for Women 45+ (2005 – 2008).

news | 17.3.2009 | IVO
She and He in Slovakia. Gender and Age in the Period of Transition
The book is the result of a project called Plus for Women 45+ within the EU Community Initiative EQUAL.

news | 16.3.2009 | IVO
Report Slams Government for Rising Corruption: Slovak Spectator on Global Report on Slovakia 2008
Ľuba Lesná of weekly Slovak Spectator reviewes the Global Report on Slovakia main findings.

news | 9.3.2009 | IVO
Presentation on the publication She and He in Slovakia: Gender and Age in the Period of Transition at UNDP and UNIFEM
The book and the main findings of the project have been presented by Oľga Gyárfášová, IVO Program director and the member of the authors and research team.

book | 27.2.2009 | IVO
Institute for Public Affairs released the book Slovakia 2008. Global Report on the State of Society
Global Report on Slovakia is a comprehensive analytical yearbook covering the basic trends and key events in all relevant areas of country’s public life – domestic politics, foreign policy, economy, and various sectors of society. Editors of the book are internal IVO analysts Miroslav Kollár, Grigorij Mesežnikov and Martin Bútora. Publication is the most frequently quoted source of information and analysis about Slovakia.

news | 5.2.2009 | Slovak Spectator
Democracy Deteriorates: Slovak Spectator about IVO Barometer
Luba Lesna of weekly Slovak Spectator reviewed the IVO Barometer main findings discussing the country's state of democracy with researchers.

news | 19.1.2009 | IVO
IVO BAROMETER: Quality of democracy in the 4th quarter-year: decline to 3,1
Compared to the evaluation of IVO Barometer for the 3rd quarter-year, the overall mark worsened by 0,2 point in the 4th quarter-year.

book | 12.1.2009 | IVO
National Populism in Slovakia – new publication by IVO
The working paper is a key output of the project "National Populism vs. Inter-Cultural Dialog in Slovakia: Political Factors and Values" supported by the Heinrich Böll Stiftung (Germany).

news | 10.11.2008 | IVO
Martin Bútora: A new beginning – and not just for America
In one of his comments on the US presidential election, Martin Bútora, honorary president of the Institute for Public Affairs, and former Slovak Ambassador to the USA, anticipates the impact Barack Obama’s election will have on Slovakia, including its ethnic minorities.

news | 10.11.2008 | IVO
IVO and Heinrich Böll Stiftung held a workshop on national populism
The event was held within the project National Populism vs. Inter-Cultural Dialog in Slovakia: Political Factors and Values.

news | 6.11.2008 | IVO
New publication about democracy assistance policies of the Visegrad Four countries
IVO and PASOS presented new book on democracy assistance.

news | 3.11.2008 | IVO
Presentation of GMF project’s outcomes in Brussels
Ms. Gyárfášová and Mr. Kucheriv presented the findings of the project Endorsing Transatlantic Debate, Promoting Transatlantic Values, and Strengthening the Euroatlantic Vector in Ukraine.

project | 28.10.2008 | IVO
e-Governance in Slovakia 2006-2008
IVO has issued a CD summarizing the results of the project aimed at mapping out the processes of implementation of modern electronic approaches to governance.

seminar | 27.10.2008 | IVO
IVO and Heinrich Böll Stiftung holds a workshop on national populism
IVO in cooperation with Heinrich Böll Stiftung (Germany) is going to organize a workshop focused on issues related to national populism.

research | 10.10.2008 | IVO
Informatization in the Non-governmental Sector
IVO has finalized a project which ran for two years with support of Trust for Civil Society in Central & Eastern Europe. The final leg of the project was titled Informatization in the Non-governmental Sector and it set out to map out the extent to which NGOs employ information technologies with focus on their technical preparedness, human resources and electronic services.

press release | 6.10.2008 | IVO
IVO BAROMETER: Quality of democracy in the 3rd quarter-year: decline to 2,9
Compared to the evaluation of IVO Barometer for the 2nd quarter-year, the overall mark worsened by 0,1 point in the 3rd quarter-year.

news | 22.9.2008 | IVO
IVO experts discussed Euro – Atlantic integration and cooperation between Slovakia and Ukraine
Panel discussion “Euro-Atlantic Integration – Slovak Experience for Ukraine” took place on September 19, in Uzhorod.

news | 21.9.2008 | IVO
Martin Bútora at the Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael
Martin Bútora participated at the seminar in The Hague dedicated to the events of 1968 and consequences of the occupation of Czechoslovakia.

news | 16.9.2008 | IVO
The statement against ethnic and racial intolerance
Representatives of the Institute for Public Affairs expressed their concerns over the ethnic and racial intolerance in Slovakia's public life. Statement signed by 36 persons actively involved in the country's scientific, cultural and public life, was publicized in daily Sme and Changenet website.

project | 28.8.2008 | IVO
IVO released working paper Nurturing Atlanticists in Central Europe: Case of Slovakia and Poland
IVO has recently published a working paper entitled Nurturing Atlanticists in Central Europe: Case of Slovakia and Poland.

news | 27.8.2008 |
IVO representatives visited the Ukrainian Embassy in the Slovak Republic
The IVO representatives Mr. Mesežnikov and Ms. Gyárfášová visited the Ukrainian Embassy and presented the newly published book to Ukrainian Ambassador to Slovakia Mrs. Inna Ohnivec.

news | 25.8.2008 |
IVO released the publication in Ukrainian language
IVO released the publication On the road to Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine. Slovak – Ukrainian dialog between the neighbors.

research | 16.8.2008 | IVO
IVO: We are lagging behind in e-Government and are missing out on opportunities
IVO has recently published a study titled "e-Government as seen by the stakeholders and experts." The findings presented in the study are based on he data gathered through a survey research that was carried out by the Institute for Public Affairs throughout the period May-June 2008.

project | 1.7.2008 | IVO
IVO experts in Dnipropetrovs’k and Kiev about Euro Atlantic integration
Oľga Gyárfášová, IVO programme director, and Grigorij Mesežnikov, IVO President, took part in a round table discussion held on 24 June 2008 in Dnipropetrovs’k.

book | 18.6.2008 | IVO
IVO released working paper Populist Politics and Liberal Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe
The Institute for Public Affairs (IVO) has recently published a working paper entitled Populist Politics and Liberal Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe. The publication is an output of the one-year project Populism and Liberal Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe, supported by Trust for Civil Society in Central Eastern Europe.

conference | 16.6.2008 | IVO
Empowering civil society and public actors in the field of antidiscrimination
On June 11, 2008 IVO organised an international conference which was an activity of the project Towards Equal Treatment: Awareness Raising and Multi-Level Empowerment of the Civil Society and Public Actors in the Field of Anti-Discrimination.

conference | 4.6.2008 | IVO
IVO is organizing a conference about civil society and (anti)discrimination
IVO in cooperation with Občan a demokracia, Hlava 98 and PDCS is organizing a conference Empowerment of the Civil Society and Public Actors in the Field of Anti-Discrimination

conference | 28.5.2008 |
IVO co-organised a conference Social Democracy after the 2006 Elections
The conference was held on 23 – 24 May 2008 in Bratislava.

project | 27.5.2008 | IVO
Study stay of Ukrainian experts
Group of Ukrainian experts visited Bratislava on May, 11 – 15 2008.

research | 15.5.2008 | IVO
e-Democracy in Slovakia
IVO has recently published the results of a representative research dedicated to the attitudes of the population on the issue of e-Democracy in Slovakia authored by IVO analyst Marián Velšic.

article | 14.5.2008 | IVO
Cover ‘Slovakia 2007’ – Self-Fulfilling or Self Liquidating Prophecy?
Review of Soňa Szomolányi on publication Slovensko 2007.

news | 26.4.2008 | IVO
In New York about revolutions, future of democracy and Slovak experience
Martin Bútora contributed with his lecture Modernization, Illiberalism and Civil Society at the international conference held in New York.

news | 20.4.2008 | IVO
IVO experts on Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic prospects
On 9 April 2008 IVO analysts Martin Bútora and Grigorij Mesežnikov participated in the press conference Ukraine’s prospects in the context of the NATO Bucharest summit results – a Slovak point of view.

news | 15.4.2008 | IVO
Martin Bútora will serve on Board of European Foundation for Democracy through Partnership (EFDP)
Honorary President of IVO and PASOS representative Martin Bútora will serve on Board of European Foundation for Democracy through Partnership (EFDP), launched on 15 April.

news | 15.4.2008 | IVO
IVO at the 5th Assembly of the World Movement for Democracy in Kiev
Grigorij Mesežnikov and Martin Bútora participated in the 5th Assembly of the World Movement for Democracy – “Making Democracy Work: From Principles to Performance” which was held early April in Kiev.

news | 14.4.2008 | IVO
Post-Accession Slovakia: Cohabitation of Populists and Liberal Democracy
In his public lecture in Sofia G. Mesežnikov explored the impact of populist parties on the state of society and the democratic institutions in Slovakia.

conference | 7.4.2008 | IVO
Zora Bútorová presented the Plus for Women 45+ project at two international conferences
Women and Men in mid-age at the labour market was the topic of Zora Bútorová’s presentation at the conference New Trends in Personal Management 2008.

project | 26.3.2008 | IVO
IVO – Partner in an International Research Consortium
Institute for Public Affairs became Slovak partner in the collaborative project “Providing an Infrastructure for Research on Electoral Democracy in the European Union”, co-ordinated by the European University Institute and its Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies.

news | 20.3.2008 | IVO
IVO sociologists – co-authors of the publication Equal Pay for Equal Work?
IVO based sociologists Jarmila Filadelfiová and Oľga Gyárfášová contributed to the publication Equal Pay for Equal Work? Aspects of the Gender Pay Gap, edited by Jana Cviková, which is recently released by the Feminist Publishing and Educational Project ASPEKT, Bratislava.

news | 4.3.2008 | NDRI
The Study "Citizens Online" is IVOs contribution to the international network of researh institutions
Network of Democracy Research Institutes has released information on the publication of a research report titled "Citizens Online."

news | 21.2.2008 |
IVO Think Tank Protested against PM Fico’s Reaction to 2007 Slovakia Report

news | 20.2.2008 |
Fico: IVO Shouldn't Act as Independent Commentator of Politics

news | 19.2.2008 |
Prime Minister Fico Reacts Sharply to IVO's Slovakia 2007 Report

project | 18.2.2008 |
IVO Presents its Slovakia 2007 Annual Report

project | 12.2.2008 | IVO
IVO, Head 98 and Plus for Women 45+ project started the campaign “Let’s Overcome Barriers in Employment of middle Aged Women”
The social campaign will be running from 11 February to 3 March in electronic and print media.

research | 23.1.2008 | IVO - ITAPA
Citizens Online - A Research About the Attitudes of the Population Toward Online Public Services
The research represents one of the institute's flagship projects on e-Government in Slovakia.

interview | 9.1.2008 | IVO
Nationalism has simply asserted itself much easier
Read the interview with Grigorij Meseznikov in The Slovak Spectator.

project | 18.12.2007 | IVO
International workshop about Atlanticism in Central Europe
Institute for Public Affairs organized international workshop titled Nurturing Atlanticists in Central Eastern Europe – a Neglected Territory?

project | 22.11.2007 | IVO
Unemployment and discrimination
On November 22, 2007 Institute for Public Affairs presented the findings of the project Identifying barriers to more effective application of anti-discrimination legislation in relation to unemployed persons.

project | 19.11.2007 | IVO
Assistance to Ukraine in integration process: Slovakia’s experience
The Slovak expert team consisting of Oľga Gyárfášová (IVO), Ivo Samson (RC SFPA), and Robert Ondrejcsák (CENAA) traveled in early November at the route OdessaSimferopol - Kiev. In these three Ukrainian cities seminars, workshops, and round table discussions  focused on topic Experiences of Slovakia on the road to Euro-Atlantic integration were held.

news | 17.10.2007 | IVO
Martin Bútora in October 2007 issue of the Journal of Democracy
October 2007 issue of the Journal of Democracy devotes a special coverage to the recent developments in Central Eastern Europe. Martin Bútora authored one of the articles, Nightmares From the Past, Dreams of the Future.

project | 7.9.2007 | IVO
Transatlantic Trends 2007
Transatlantic Trends is an annual public opinion survey examining American and European attitudes toward the transatlantic relationship.

project | 15.7.2007 |
IVO in Ukraine
At the beginning of July, three IVO experts - Mr. Martin Bútora, Ms. Oľga Gyárfášová, and Mr. Grigorij Mesežnikov – visited Ukraine.

news | 25.6.2007 | IVO
IVO President reviewed the activities of the Slovak government
On June 25th 2007 President of the Institute for Public Affairs Grigorij Mesežnikov participated at the conference 365 Day of Social Democratic Government in Slovakia.

project | 20.6.2007 | IVO
International workshop on populism
On June 12 -13 international workshop Populism. Populism? Populism! What it looks like and what to do about it was held in Bratislava.

news | 15.6.2007 | IVO
IVO President about the Visegrad cooperation at the International Festival “The Golden Beggar” in Košice
President of the IVO Mr. Grigorij Mesežnikov gave a presentation at the International Local Televisions Festival “The Golden Beggar” 2007 in Košice.

project | 30.5.2007 | IVO
Women 45+ on Labor Market: Gender, Age and Equality of Opportunities
The Institute for Public Affairs and the Slovak development partnership Plus for Women 45+ hosted an international conference Women 45+ on Labor Market: Gender, Age and Equality of Opportunities on 10th 2007

project | 29.5.2007 | IVO
Tu a teraz: sondy do života žien 45+(Here and Now: Probes into the Lives of Women 45+)
The second of the six publications within the EQUAL project Plus for Women 45+

project | 28.5.2007 | IVO
Ženy, muži a vek v štatistikách trhu práce (Women, Men and Age in Labor Market Statistics)
The first of the six publications within the EQUAL project Plus for Women 45+

project | 20.5.2007 | IVO
Slovakia for Afghanistan: press conference with Afghan guests
Institute for Public Affairs finishes with its project „Slovakia for Afghanistan: Assisting in Building Democratic Institutions in a New State“

project | 11.5.2007 | IVO
Evaluation of the Social Inclusion Policy Aimed at Reducing Long-Term Unemployment
Final report available.

news | 20.3.2007 | IVO
Oľga Gyárfášová of IVO wins the prestigious Woman of the Year prize for 2006
Co-founder and Program Director of the Institute for Public Affairs Oľga Gyárfášová, PhD, became the most recent addition to the company of outstanding Slovak women as she was awarded the prestigious Woman of the Year prize for 2006 in the category Media & Communication.

book | 19.2.2007 | IVO
Slovakia 2006. A Global Report on the State of Society (Slovak version)
Like in previous years, the ‘flagship’ IVO publication offers its readers analytical depth combined with necessary distance while evaluating recent developments in particular areas of Slovakia’s political, economic and social life.

news | 5.2.2007 | IVO
Japanese professor Tomonori Yoshizaki lectured at the Institute for Public Affairs
On January 31, 2006 the presentation of professor Tomonori Yoshizaki Current Foreign, Security and Defense Policy of Japan: Basic Course and New Challenges was held at the Institute for Public Affairs.

news | 26.1.2007 | Slovak Press Watch
IVO Analysts among Most Frequently Quoted Experts in Slovak Media
The unique findings of "Slovak Press Watch" a research project conducted by INEKO, an independent economic think-tank.

project | 26.1.2007 | IVO
IVO publication about Slovakia’s path to democracy – published in Belarusian language
Top opposition leader of Belarus Mr. Alexander Milinkievic and his wife Mrs. Ina Kulei, introduced a book Slovak Hope. Lessons Learnt from Democratic Transformation in Slovakia.

news | 19.12.2006 | IVO
IVO‘s president with EU member states‘ ambassadors
IVO’s president Grigorij Mesežnikov presented analytical view on selected issues of Slovakia’s current domestic political development and foreign policy.

seminar | 19.12.2006 | IVO
IVO‘s president on Slovak-Polish wokshop of journalists in Liptovský Mikuláš
On December 1, 2006 IVO’s president Grigorij Mesežnikov took part in Slovak-Polish journalists’ workshop “Poland – Slovakia – European Union“ in Liptovský Mikuláš.

seminar | 7.12.2006 | IVO
Martina Sekulová gave a presentation at workshop about social inclusion in Warsaw
By the end of November UNDP Poland organized international conference and workshop „Strengthening social inclusion process – searching for a compromise in order to reach Lisbon strategy and millennium goals“.

project | 4.12.2006 | IVO
Third Group of Young Afgan Leaders in Slovakia
By the end of November Institute for Public Affairs hosted the third group of young Afghan leaders who came to Slovakia within the project „Slovakia to Afghanistan. Assisting in Building Democracy in a New State“.

seminar | 30.11.2006 | IVO
Marián Velšic at the Seminar Devoted to the Process of Transition to Terrestrial Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB-T)
Marián Velšic, analyst of the IVO has presented the research findings of a representative sociological research titled “Terrestrial Digital Video Broadcasting As Seen by the Population of the Slovak Republic.”

news | 28.11.2006 | IVO
International conference Policy of Social Inclusion and Unemployment
Institute for Public Affairs organized an international conference "Policy of social inclusion and unemployment" on November 28, 2006, in Bratislava.

seminar | 27.11.2006 | IVO
Finnish Experts Discussed the Ageing of Population and Gender Equality in Finland in Bratislava
Institute for Public Affairs (IVO), the Embassy of Finland, and the development partnership “Plus for Women 45+” carried out a seminar “Finland – a Country that Cares about Its Human Potential”.

conference | 20.11.2006 | IVO
IVO‘s president at the conference on political parties in Cadenabbia
On November 17 – 18, 2006, IVO’s president Grigorij Mesežnikov had a talk at the conference "Political Parties: Essential Part of Representative Democracy"

seminar | 15.11.2006 | IVO
IVO’s president on seminar on fight against corruption
On November 13, 2006 IVO’s president Grigorij Mesežnikov took part in seminar "Combatting Corruption in the Next Four Years"

project | 9.11.2006 | IVO
Second Group of Young Afgan Leaders in Slovakia
Institute for Public Affairs organized second from all-in-all three study trips for young Afghan leaders in Slovakia.

seminar | 3.11.2006 | IVO
Parliamentary Election and Party Landscape in the Visegrad Countries
Olga Gyarfasova, Program Director of IVO, participated in the international workshop "Parliamentary Election and Party Landscape in the Visegrad Group Countries - persistent volatility or clear sign of consolidation?"

conference | 28.9.2006 | IVO
Visegrad Elections: Domestic Impact and European Consequences
Institute for Public Affairs in cooperation with International Visegrad Fund and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organized an international conference.

project | 22.9.2006 | IVO
First Group of Young Afghan Leaders in Slovakia
Within the project „Slovakia to Afghanistan. Assisting in Building Democracy in a New State“ IVO organized first study trips for young Afghan leaders in Slovakia.

seminar | 12.9.2006 | IVO
Slovakia 100 Days after Elections
Grigorij Mesežnikov and Martin Bútora participated in the panel discussion focused on the postelection situation.

research | 6.9.2006 | IVO
Americans, Europeans Share Increased Fears of Terrorism, Islamic Fundamentalism
With nations once again on high alert and multinational forces deployed to world hotspots, an annual survey of American and European public opinion released today shows both Americans and Europeans expressing shared concern over global threats.

seminar | 6.9.2006 | IVO
Central European Think Tanks and Support for Democracy in the World
Grigorij Mesežnikov presented projects that IVO conducted (or currently conducts) in Iraq, Afghanistan, Belarus, and Ukraine.

news | 15.8.2006 | IVO
Slovakia after the Elections: Domestic and Foreign Policy Implications
On July 18, 2006, CSIS's New European Democracies Project (NEDP) and Friends of Slovakia (FOS) co-hosted a meeting of the U.S.-Slovak Security and Foreign Policy Roundtable series.

research | 19.5.2006 | IVO
Slovakia Before the 2006 Election
New survey that mapped the social and political climate in Slovakia before the upcoming 2006 parliamentary elections as well as basic patterns of electoral behaviour.

book | 10.5.2006 | IVO
Slovakia 2005. A Global Report on the State of Society
This year’s Global Report covers 25 areas, incl. domestic politics, rule of law, public opinion, foreign policy, Slovakia in the EU, economic developments, transparency and corruption, education, digital literacy, and many others.

conference | 31.3.2006 | IVO
Leading Change: Women and Democracy's New Frontiers
Zora Bútorová, senior research fellow of the Institute for Public Affairs, participated at an international conference.

research | 21.2.2006 | IVO & Pontis Foundation
Political Climate in Belarus before the Presidential Election
The confidential polling memorandum commissioned by the Slovak-Belarus Task Force.

project | 3.1.2006 | IVO
Digital Literacy in Slovakia
Unique research project which as the aim of assessing one of the key pre-requisites of a successful transformation to an information society and a knowledge-based economy – the preparedness of the general public to use modern ICT.

V4 is primarily based on cooperation in the domain of politics. But how is it perceived by the inhabitants of individual countries? 

Analysis of the situation and prospects for development in two areas related to Slovakia's attitudes towards Ukraine.

V4 at the Time of Polycrisis. Public Perception
Словаччина та Україна: перспективи співпраці та гравці

Attitudes of representatives of institutions and politicians towards Russian aggression & public opinion.

The key areas of the development of the country’s security and defence sector in 1993-2023.

Russia's war against Ukraine: A view from Slovakia
Thirty Years of Slovak Security and Defence Policy

What encourages some actors to promote ties with a declining power with aggressive foreign policy and undemocratic regime?

Factors that influence the country’s bilateral relations with EU member states in Central and Eastern Europe.

Who Is Playing Russian Roulette in Slovakia
Taiwanese-European Autumn 2021: A View from Slovakia

Collection of analytical studies from experts from Great Britain, France, Norway, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia.

Confronting the dark sides of the past and considering the participation of Christians in public life.

Conspiracy Theories in Europe
Tiso's Ghost in 2016 Slovakia
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